Come and Cruise With Us

Choices, choices, choices.... She hated making choices.

She kept flipping back and forth among all the pamphlets she had spread out in front of her. They all sounded so good and each had something different to offer.

The travel agency where she had gotten them from even gave her a little booklet that had some passenger stories in them. Picking up the booklet, she flipped through the pages and skim read some of the parts.

Hmmmm, she thought toherself, maybe I should read them and see what they actually have to say. So without further adieu, she started.....

Cruise Tasamin
The Cruise has Just Nabiki
Cruisin'....... by Aly
All Northstar

NOTE: All these stories are copyright© 1999 to their respective authors and the Covert Lovers list.

Cruise Confessions

The Cruise Has Just Begun


All Aboard

1999 Illusion Index