By Aly


The cruise had really been just what she needed. As she stood at the rail with the salty sea spray whipping her hair, Tina knew that she would return to her world more relaxed than she had been in ages.

The week had passed pretty smoothly. Her pal Lynn had met up with a mysterious man early on and they had become practically inseparable.

Tina smiled as she remembered Lynn's blushing face and breathless speech on the second night of the vacation...

"Tina!! You are NOT gonna believe THIS!!" Lynn slammed into their small cabin with all the force of a hurricane coming ashore. Her eyes were blazing and she had a heightened color to her cheeks.

Tina looked up from her book and smiled at her friend. Tina had been almost hibernating in their cabin since coming aboard since she didn't seem too comfortable with the crowds on this cruise. Lynn, on the other hand, fit in immediately and had been out and about more than she had been in! Tina still wondered how she was functioning since she had had only one or two hours of sleep since coming aboard.

Lynn rushed across the space and plopped on the foot of Tina's bed and took the book from her hands. "Look here Tin', you are going to get UP and come OUT with me tonight! I have met the most unusual man! He is ... well ... gorgeous of course. But ... there is something else. Something ... mysterious."

Tina watched the play of emotions cross Lynn's face as she talked about the handsome stranger. This cruise had been good for Lynn as well. She needed a break from her hectic schedule and demanding job. The two of them hardly ever saw each other so they had planned this cruise months ago.

Snapping herself back to the ongoing description she barely caught what Lynn said, " ... and the most captivating blue eyes I have ever seen!! Tina!! You HAVE to meet him!! Please?!?!?!?"

Tina had been so absorbed in her retrospect that she didn't hear the question that had been asked. Coughing slightly to cover her lagging response, she finally managed to mumble a soft "Sure ... why not."

"GREAT!!" Lynn was so excited, she lept from the bed and started pulling their clothes out of the small closet. "So ... WHAT are you going to WEAR?!?"

"Wear ... ? Where ... ?" Tina was confused. What had she agreed to now?

Lynn looked over at her and simply shook her head. "Hello!?! Earth to Tina!! Earth to Tina! Did you even hear a word I Said?!?" She laughed at Tina's blank expression and continued to fling the colorful garments onto her bed in a wild disarray.

Tina joined her and began to hang some of the dresses back up. Before she knew it, Lynn had snatched the dress from her limp hands with a wicked giggle and chastened, "Oh no you don't. I am not going to let you get out of this one. No way. No how. You are coming out with us and that is final."

Tina blanched at the veiled threat in those words.




Nervously tugging at the close-fitting dress, Tina watched with mild trepidation as Lynn waved across the crowded dining room and started making her way across the room. Once she noticed that Tina was not following, she returned and grabbed her by the arm.

"Come on Tina. I am not going to let you get away that easily. I want you to meet MY friend ... and HE wants you to meet HIS friend."

Tina followed helplessly in her wake as Lynn laughed and parted the crowd in her haste. Suddenly, she almost bumped into a man as Lynn made an abrupt turn towards a corner table. Muttering a hurried 'Pardon me', she barely caught a glimpse of startlingly bright green eyes and a mischievous smile.

"Any time ..." was all she heard in a softly accented voice that managed to reach her ears over the hum of the crowd.

The two friends finally arrived at their table and Lynn made the proper introductions. "Jurgen... this is Tina. Tina, meet Jurgen."

Tina had to agree, he definitely had the bluest eyes she had ever seen and he seemed quite taken with Lynn. The two of them sat together and there was another chair ... conspicuously empty.

"So ... who else is at our table anyway you guys?" Tina asked with an odd fluttering in her throat.

Just as Jurgen and Lynn turned to answer, she heard a soft voice right beside her left ear, "Mind if I join you?" Turning as the color drained from her face, she was met with the same crystal clear green eyes and mischievous grin she had glimpsed on the crowded floor. The man straightened and moved towards his chair.

Unable to help herself, her eyes swept him from head to toe in a lingering appraisal ... great legs wrapped in snug fitting slacks ... a well defined torso was wrapped in a black mock turtleneck ... sun-kissed curls softened the high brow and neck of his shirt with their honey-gold strands ... high cheekbones and aristocratic features were softened by his changeable eyes and sensuous lips.

When she met those eyes again, she noticed that one brow was arched in question at her slow perusal and he held his arms out to his side. "So ... do I pass muster Cherie?"

The color returned to her face in full force and her cheeks burned as if she were on fire. "I'm sorry. I just ... well ... I have no idea ... " she faltered as the three of them laughed at her sudden inability to speak.

He pulled out the chair beside her and sat, reaching out and covering her hand with his own. Tina looked at his long fingers and felt the warmth of his hand suffuse her own.

"I'm sorry, ma petite. My name is Michael. I did not mean to embarrass you nor make you uncomfortable. Please, forgive me ... us." He watched her, waiting for her reaction.

Tina glanced at Lynn and Jurgen, then back to the man at her side. Smiling and regaining her sense of humor and composure, she winked at him, "I don't know, Michael. I'll have to think about it. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement though."

Lynn and Jurgen exchanged knowing glances. This cruise would definitely be one to remember.



The days passed in a blur of activity and sun-filled days, and the nights came alive as the group made the rounds of the parties and activities onboard.

Jurgen and Lynn had become inseparable and Michael and Tina were still a bit wary of one another. By the eve of the next to last day on the cruise, he had finally managed to get her to walk with him up on deck. The hour was very late and there had been a storm earlier. The ship had dropped anchor to chart the direction of the storm before getting back on course.

Tina stood at the railing as the salty sea spray whipped her hair into a riot of curls while Michael went to the open bar for some wine. She let her mind drift back over the days they had spent together and she felt a tightness in her chest at the thought of their parting at the end of the cruise.

She had certainly enjoyed this vacation and all the fun she had been having. It would be a real struggle to get back to the *real world* and her job ... her life. She was reflecting on her lonely life when Michael rejoined her at the rail and held out the wine glass to her.

Reaching for it with a small smile, she met him halfway in response to his lifted glass. As the two clinked together, he moved closer to her and held her eyes as he descended for a kiss.

As their lips met she felt the surface beneath her feet rock and roll as if the earth felt the kiss as well. She dropped the glass as he pulled her closer into his body for a deeper kiss.

They stood entwined, tasting each other, for several long minutes.

Neither of them noticed the rising wind or the raging seas that were starting to rock the ship.



The motion finally registered with Michael and he moved back from Tina, keeping her close to his side. "Something is wrong here. Let's get to the cabin and find Jurgen and Lynn."

Tina saw the change in his eyes as he sensed the danger that was making itself known. She followed him down the stairs to their level and found Jurgen and Lynn in the hallways.

The two men moved down the hall and had a hushed conversation out of earshot of Lynn and Tina. Lynn looked at Tina and the fear was evident in each of their eyes. "So ... what do you think it is? Nothing? Something? "

Tina didn't know how to answer, so she just moved over to her and placed a comforting arm around her shoulders.

Before Michael and Jurgen could join them, the hall was filled with nervous passengers and shouting staff.

"Please. Everyone stay in your cabins. Nothing to fear. Please. Stay in your cabins and secure yourselves."

Lynn and Tina exchanged a shocked look and started to push through the crowds towards the spot where Michael and Jurgen were. Once they had rejoined the men, Jurgen took Lynn in his arms and urged her towards the cabin.

"Nothing to worry about my love. I am certain all will be well. Stay close." Jurgen said to Lynn as he placed a kiss on her lips.

Tina looked to Michael for the same reassurance and was only met with his back. He was searching for something... someone... his eyes scanning each and every face in the corridor. He and Jurgen exchanged one last meaningful look before he and Lynn entered the cabin.

Michael turned to Tina and tried to direct her into the cabin with the other. She stood her ground and forced his gaze back to her. "I am not going in there if you aren't. What are you looking for? Or ... who?" His eyes bored into hers and she could see the silent plea for understanding. She stood firm ... waiting for his reply.

"I just need to check on something. I will be right back. Don't worry." He brought her hand to his lips and the touch of them seared her palm. Just as abruptly, he dropped her hand and moved into the crowd.

Turning to Lynn and Jurgen, she could only smile and bid them farewell as she shut the door and followed Michael down the hall. Once topside, the full force of the winds and seas hit her and she stumbled with the surprised sting of the rain on her skin. Michael must have heard her because he turned towards her and barely managed to grab her hand as she fell back against the railing. Her screams were ripped away by the wind as she tumbled over the railing and into the raging seas, Michael right behind her.

~~< >~~< >~~< >~~< >~~< >~~< >~~

She was having the most pleasant dream. The seagulls were chattering overhead and the hypnotic pulse of the ocean tried to lull her back to sleep. Something scratchy was on her face but she didn't care. She was smiling and running towards Michael through the bubbly surf and he was smiling and holding his arms out to her. He was calling her, she was running as fast as she could ...

"Tina. Tina!!" The urgency of his voice seemed to touch her in her dream state and she slowly opened her eyes. He was leaning over her and his face was pale beneath his tan. There was a horrible cut over his left eye and the blood had traced a zigzag pattern across his cheek.

She smiled and reached up to him and laid her hand against the stubble of his face. "Yes ... I'm here. What is it?"

With visible relief, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her to him fiercely. "I thought I'd lost you. I thought you were dead."

Finally, she remembered. The storm. The seas. Pulling back abruptly, she took in their surroundings. Sea ... sand ... trees .... and more sand.

Looking back at Michael, her answer was in his eyes."Stranded?" He nodded, pulling her to her feet and into his arms.

~~< >~~< >~~< >~~< >~~< >~~

And the rest is another story! LOL

This story copyright © 1999, Aly

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