The Dance

Hmmm, just what exactly is a dance? Well here are some definitions that I found on the 'net.

dance verb
to move the body and feet to music
They danced all night at the ball.
We went dancing at a nightclub.
What sort of music do you like dancing to?
Who was she dancing with at the party last night?
They danced (=performed the particular series of movements that form) a calypso.
He grabbed her arm and danced (=moved to music with) her around the room.
The children danced (=moved lightly with small jumping steps) along the street.

If something dances, it moves quickly and lightly.
The daffodils were dancing in the breeze.
She watched the sunlight dancing on the water's surface.

(British and Australian) If you dance attendance on someone, esp. a person in a position of authority, you do everything they ask you to and treat them as if they are special.
I can't stand the way she has to have someone dancing attendance on her the whole time!

If you dance to someone's tune, you do what they want.

dance noun [C]
Shall we have a dance (=an act of dancing)?
On Thursday night I've got my dance class.

A dance can be a particular series of movements which you perform to music or the type of music which is connected with it.
The next dance will be a waltz, ladies and gentlemen.
The band played a slow dance.

A dance is also a social occasion at which people dance, esp. a formal occasion in a large room.
Will you come to the dance with me?
They're having an end-of-term dinner-dance.

Dance is the art of performing dances, esp. as a form of entertainment.
I've always been interested in the performing arts, especially dance.
The performers tell the story through song and dance.

A dance floor is an area of a disco restaurant, etc. which is specially for dancing.

A dance hall is a special building or large room where people go to dance or take part in dancing competitions.
We enjoy going to the dance hall on a Wednesday evening because they play all the old tunes we love so much.

A dance studio is a place where people can pay for dance classes.

Now… let's see in what category the following stories fit into…

Dance Ecstasy… By Operative Curlly

Watch Your Step… By Operative Sherry

Salsa… By Operative Brenna

Last Dance... By Operative Rita

I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I have.

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