Walking through the old farmhouse, Trace couldn't help but admire the architecture that made up the structure. The molding had to date back into the 1800's, and the rooms each had an air of 'life' to them.

Proceeding up the steps, into the attic, she moved amongst the items stored there. Coming upon an old truck, its leather cracked and worn with age, she raised the lid.

Inside, covered by a small piece of material, was what appeared to be a journal. Inscribed in gold letters, in fancy script, on the cover was the words COVERT ILLUSIONS.

She carefully opened the book, and on the inside front page was the words SNOWBOUND!! ....a collection. Moving the page back, she saw a table of contents, written in hand, and read...

Come Hail, Sleet and Nikita507

Trapped by Aries

Some Aly

Pinehaven Northstar

Quest of the Trace

Smiling at the inventiveness of each of the titles, she flipped to the next page...and started the first story.....