Episode 119 - War

Oh boy, hella episode here! Everyone hold on to your seats it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Section has been exposed to Red Cell and no one is safe. Everyone is called back to Section toot sweet. Operations and Michael are having a conversation on the perch that we are not privy too. But I sooooo would have loved to have been a fly on the wall there. When Michael comes down he informs Nikita of the secret location of the substation against orders in what appears to be an EMS. Now Michael breaking protocol so soon is highly suspect.

Next we have the merry quartet command crew where 2 of the singers are having issues. Walter and Operations are squabbling like two tenors who want to sing the lead solo. They get a SPS from the diva herself, Madeline who tells them to cease, nobody wanted to argue with her.

Nikita gets captured by Red Cell and gets tortured and tormented by that smug little interrogator. The whole mouse and fire hat torture was repugnant. Even after all her suffering she tries to protect Michael by pretending not to know him in a MS. Ah but her own heart gives her away, heartbeat that is. Then the couple gets side by side matching cages something every bridal registry should have to promote gut wrenching honesty in the uncommunicative lover.

The Michael Subtle Warning comes in the form of an apology in advance. Michael knows very well where this is all leading. Nikita should know based on the Charity scene that Michael always apologizes even for things out of his control especially if the boy is acting under orders. Then they drag Michael off to god knows what torture ride they had in store for him. Upon his return we see a beaten and bleeding Michael who is being carried by two men and tossed in a cage. The boy cannot even stand on his own! Ouch!

Then comes the swinging cage ride boys and girls, romance in captivity! The intimate confession comes hesitantly from Michael in an ES for Nikita. Yet it is tagged with another apology which is another Michael Subtle Warning, that not everything is as it seems. Followed by the heart stopping line, "We’ll never leave this place alive. I don’t know what love is anymore… but the only part of me that’s not dead is you." Oh my. Talk about leaving me wanting more that scene was so heartbreaking.

When the very bad man comes and breaks the cages apart I definitely did not like him and even less for his next move. Which is to get Michael out of the cage and strap him up and inject him with an injection that will induce madness. Nikita cannot handle the thought of the most controlled man she knows lose it. In a Love Save she tells SOTW the location of the substation.

Michael breaks them out and in an EMS Nikita goes to kill the SOTW. Michael tells her not to, another Michael Subtle Warning not to interfere and ES for he does not want to tell her this was the plan all along. But Nikita is smarter than the average bear and it clicks that she has been used by Section yet again. Michael tries to Section Logic her about why the Section decided this was the best course of action. And the most messed SWUC "Can we finish this later?" Since they were having the discussion in an inappropriate locale, he wanted to chat when they were safe. Nikita was not having any of that.

When the duo that concocted the diabolical scheme come to check on the injured Nikita. Michael is far from happy to see them. When they finally leave Michael tries for and ES/LS when he whispers, "It wasn’t all a lie." And he kisses her but Nikita is not accepting that even in sleep. Talk about a topsy turvy emotional ride.

Episode 120 - Verdict

Nikita sees Michael in a park and decides to follow him. She sees him meet with a young woman and she watched the unfolding meeting with great curiosity. All the while trying to be inconspicuous behind a tree as if that beautiful loose hair wouldn’t give her away. Then she watches the horror as the woman dies in the tragic explosion. The next chance when she sees Michael she wants to know what type of relationship existed between the two. So does Operations for different reasons, in a SWUC about the young woman’s death. Operations doesn’t take the simple answer Michael gives about what went on between Michael and the lady. Michael gives his own Section Logic statement on how he does not allow his personal feelings to take consideration into the mission. Oh boy what a liar! We all know better than that. Not in relation to the woman but to what he has done for Nikita. I am surprised his nose didn’t grow. I guess that is why Operations asked him twice. Because surprise, surprise, that big ole flirt Mijovich is back!

Nikita TMPS when she tries to prevent a Section from interfering by sending an assault team in to kill Zoran and his family. Nikita tries to say that there as no bad guys that this can end peacefully. But Michael pulls a succinct Section Logic by saying "There are always bad guys, Nikita." Made me laugh cause it is so true. Nikita on to allow Section Logic to influence her forges ahead and achieves a truce between Zoran and Milovich. Michael SPS with Operations to give Nikita more time while Nikita EMS, the terms of surrender between Mijovich and Zoran. We all know Section does not care if Zoran’s family lives or dies as long as Mijovich survives. Maria saves her family and another eruption of civil violence by lying and saying it could not be Mijovich.

Michael has to use Section Logic to explain to Nikita why they saved Mijovich at the expense of a family and justice. You can see at this point that Nikita is not handling it well at all. Life at Section is beginning to take a visible toll on her and all she has given up to conform is beginning to weigh heavily on her.

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Episode 121 - Brainwash

When Nikita gets selected to be the test subject for the phasing shell (otherwise known as poor little lab rat). The camera pans to Michael who is looking decidedly unhappy about Nikita being in there, not only is he uncomfortable but so are Walter and Birkoff. It seems no one wants to play Igor to Madeline’s Dr. Frankenstein experiment. Can’t imagine what Madeline would have done if Nikita rebelled. Walter has to ES Nikita about the truth about the safety of the phasing shell.

After her exposure to the phasing shell, Michael shows up on her doorstep unexpectedly to check up on her in an ES maneuver. He notes that Nikita is not acting like her normal self something is off. She is a few bricks short of a load. Nikita flat out lies to Michael. Michael being the smooth operator lets this pass.

Michael leaves to go pump Madeline for information in a EMS move. Madeline inquires if he has detected any changes in Nikita. Michael quickly EMS for Nikita and does not bring up her odd behavior.

Next Nikita shows up in Section already a junkie after another fix from the machine. Stops by Walter’s Section must have been her subconscious cry for help. Walter tries an ES warning her to stay away from the machine. Nikita ignores this warning as Walter sees later on when he finds her fresh off another high from the phasing shell. Like Lays potato chips she just can’t eat one. Walter shocked tries to EMS/ES/Section Logic her all in one roll about the dangers of continuing to use the machine, what Section would do to her and for her own good tries to make her promise to leave well enough alone. At this point we can see Nikita is past the point of no return. Walter immediately SPS, instead of telling Operations or Madeline for Nikita informing Michael who is not too happy to hear this bulletin.

Michael pays another visit to Nikita’s apartment where the girl attempts to shut Michael out. She slammed the door in his face. You knew that was a bad decision. Michael is not having any of that from her. The man kicks the door in another Michael Dramatic Entrance (I have such a fondness for them!). Michael quickly realizes that Nikita is not doing well at all. He is doing a major SPS for her by not informing Madeline or Operations about this latest turn of events. As well as an EMS by taking her on the mission and covering for her there as well when you can see that he is distracted by her condition. He also promises her that he will help her kick this thing later. What a man!

Nikita even under these strenuous conditions proves what a great operative she is by finding the other assassins. Yet when it comes down for the final showdown Michael places himself between the premier and Nikita. Michael is doing an EMS here by not taking her out or allowing her to kill herself. He breaks position guarding the premier to save her.

At the end of the episode Michael is there to pick up the pieces in an ES/Soul Save, when he says "We’ll get you through this." And takes her hand and leads her out of the room hopefully to some detox center.

Episode 122 - Mercy

At the opening of Mercy, (I just have to sidetrack here.) but who else was sighing through that dreamy dance. Especially at the end when you knew they were just dancing for themselves and that look Michael gives Nikita. Ooh boy! Such a promising start to an episode, should have known better! That was the calm before the storm.

As the episode progresses Nikita is on point for a mission. She is given orders to cancel Stanley. Nikita does not have it in her to comply and does an EMS and saves his life for the time being. Upon their return to Section Michael attempts a MEGA attempt at an SPS with Operations to cover for her disobedience. Yet this time it is not working Operations is literally blowing steam from the ears at his one and requests a private conference with Michael. Nikita knows what she has done and I believe this is the first time she witnesses an SPS on her behalf. She apologizes for her lack of performance but that is not covering the tab this time.

Nikita goes to Madeline where Madeline tries to ES/Section Logic her about the problem. She also confirms to Nikita what we have known all along that Michael has played a role with her from time to time but that was under orders and but that does not mean he is incapable of emotion. Nikita is not accepting any of this. Asks one question of Madeline about whether or not Section will ever let her go. Madeline never one to shirk from unpleasantness lays it down on the line for her. She will never be free of Section. Oh brother I would have thought the girl would have known better by now but obviously not.

Michael’s arrival at Nikita’s apartment prevents her from killing herself. He pleads with her in an ES/Soul Save to do her job. He also tries to use Section Logic in the for of "It is not important what you did. It is what you do now." The boy is pulling out all the stops in this one. He hugs her close at the end of a heart-breaking scene where neither party has changed their opinion.

Madeline and Operations outline the next mission for Michael. They do not even give Michael a chance for an SPS. I guess they know him too well. Perhaps in an attempt at an ES for Michael they do not tell him that Nikita’s one of the operatives to be sacrificed. Here’s another case where you can give them the benefit of the doubt if you wish. Not that I can.

Michael EMS/TMPS when he hands Nikita a PDA so that hey can communicate away from the prying eyes of Section. You know they would cancel him for this move alone. Walter attempts an EMS on Nikita’s behalf but is halted at gunpoint by Michael no less. Yikes the tension in that van could be cut with a chainsaw. Michael gives Nikita her first successful Freedom Save with the message: SUCIDE MISSION YOU’RE FREE RUN DON’T RETURN. Yet at what personal cost to him this is one of the best Love Saves on the show.

Operations tries to ES Michael by making sympathetic noises about Nikita and what not. Like I believe that one! Madeline and Operations know the mother of storms is heading their way knowing Michael as well as they do. Michael is not going to handle this well at all.

At the end we see an ice cold Michael sit at his desk and attempts to communicate with Nikita through the PDA but no response is forthcoming. Meanwhile on a night train speeding away Nikita receives the message and ignores Michael’s inquiry. Poor Michael! After all he has done for her he is left to believe she is dead. What a season ender!



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MS: Mission Save
EMS: Elaborate Mission Save
TMPS: Twisting the Mission Profile Save
SPS: Section Politics Save
SWUCA: Section Wake Up Call Save
LS: Love Save
SS: Soul Save
SLS: Section Logic Save