Episode 112 - Innocent

Here’s an interesting episode, a true innocent finds his way into Section’s clutches. It was truly unnerving to see them in action with the poor guy. Nikita commences the episode with an EMS by asking Michael to allow Rudy to call his sister. Michael gives her a mega smack SWUC for Rudy: "He's a Class 1 collateral in a defcom scenario.  We incubate.  You know the rules." Boy was it chilly in there he is actually reciting rules now! . Nikita should have worn a sweater. Brrr! With the final icicle plunged into the chest being "Go back in there and calm him down." Oh my! Guess Michael got tired of reciting the rules to her.

When Rudy does the great escape from the embassy party (I just want to know how they could lose him, they underestimated him) and visits his sister. Upon his return to Section, Operations is shall we say upset and ready to cancel Rudy. Until Nikita completes a successful SPS and gains a few precious hours for Rudy.

When Rudy finally identifies the SOTW and Nikita is in van access, she inquires of Michael about Rudy’s status. Michael pulls an Emotional Save by telling her "To keep her eye on he ball." He does not wish to disturb her with the news of Rudy’s impending cancellation or have her disrupt the mission I am sure. Michael the king of dual purpose not one to waste a move.

Nikita does a Mission Save by preventing Rudy’s cancellation. Please someone tell me what Rudy did to deserve cancellation by the Torture Twins? Rudy in turn saves everyone from going KABOOM! By giving the numbers needed for the thing that looks like a cell phone whose name is eluding me right now.

In the final scene Operations gives the order to release Rudy against his better judgment. But he places a heavy burden on Nikita in the process. Any problems and Nikita must cancel Rudy herself. Nikita accepts this and gets an EMS for Rudy who will be living with the sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

Episode 113 - Gambit

Party girl outfitted Nikita strolls into Section for a meeting with Madeline. Interrupting Madeline’s interesting negotiation techniques and thereby saving the last virtual hostage that I was sure was going to be dispatched to her program maker toot sweet. After she receives her assignment for the mission Nikita detects that there is something off with Madeline and inquires if everything is fine. Resulting in a Soul Save/ ES on Nikita’s part. Madeline attempts to shrug off this attempt but then makes a startling revelation "Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm still strong enough to do this." I am so surprised Nikita’s jaw did not fall to the ground like mine did. Madeline admits to weakness… I never thought I would see the day. Nikita reassures Madeline with "Well, you're the strongest person I've ever met" interesting statement on Nikita’s part. Madeline stronger than Michael or Operations thought provoking isn’t it?

Once on the mission to grab Kessler in Toronto. Nikita and Michael garbed in those fashion hell no uniforms wait until finally Kessler arrives. When Kessler finally appears it is a mutual Mission Save from both of them to bring Kessler down. One of the few guys Michael couldn’t handle.

Madeline tied to Mission Save, Annie from her father but the warning cry came to late and Kessler did on of the more disgusting maneuvers I have seen on that show. Talk about using the weapons available to you. Poor Annie. As a result Nikita then gets the oddest yet most telling SWUC:

Madeline: "He was protecting her."

Nikita: "From who?"

Madeline: "From us."

Ooh boy that tells that other psychotics think Section is scary. I don’t know if Nikita picked up on that. Nikita later on tried to get a tired Madeline to talk about her sister. Madeline yet again rebuffs the attempt but tells the tale with a brutal narrative style that had me riveted. The horror of it all had to be too much for a child to take, imagine how that shapes the mind. Well, we all see how Madeline turned out.

Now in this episode Operations has a triple-decker sandwich Twisting the Mission Profile Save for he does not want Kessler to get his hands on her. An SPS by discussing it with his second in command, Madeline who logically told him this was the way the mission would play out. The final one is a Love Save for the simple plea, "Please don’t go." Oh my Operations letting his personal emotions come into a mission did the world stop spinning on its axis? But stoic Madeline gives Operations his own SWUC "This is who we are." And a tender kiss on the cheek. Wow! The past history between these two must have been a page-turner.

Michael gets a Mission Save for dressing in drag and subduing a surprised Kessler in one of the more stunning twists of a mission. In the end Madeline administers her own Soul Save by visiting Nikita’s apartment to visit her old self. All in all a most revealing episode.


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Episode 114 - Recruit

(Otherwise known as the Nikita borrows Michael’s suit)

With the opening plea of "Please don’t make me do this." an attempt at a Section Politics Save that fails miserably for it goes unheard by the powers that be. You know the episode is heading for nothing but problems. Then Nikita I swear begins to channel parts of Michael when dealing with Karyn. Beginning with her first Section Logic pearl of wisdom "Don’t try to understand that is the way they are." Oh boy, vague response as to what happened to Brian and the evaluation. Doesn’t Nikita remember that answers like that from Michael drive her bonky?

Then Nikita gets real Michael like when she slaps some sense into Karyn literally before they get into a the club. A memorable SWUC and I believe it is Nikita’s first. Well, Karyn is having problems in more ways than one perhaps her ears are still ringing because of the smack. For Karyn get another SWUC from Nikita in the club pertaining to the shoot out. Boy Nikita is starting to know what she put Michael through.

After that disaster of a mission they return back to Section where Madeline is laying in wait to debrief them. Nikita SPS for Karyn twice. Once in front of Madeline and Karyn and then privately confirming that there was nothing to discuss. Nikita realizes something is amiss but does not alert Section yet another SPS. She decided to investigate herself and then Karyn’s story about Brian sucks her in.

Nikita tries on the next mission for an EMS for the target but is foiled by Karyn’s over enthusiasm for killing. Nikita tries to corner Michael afterwards about Karyn but no information is forthcoming on that subject except some Section Logic about why he let Nikita pass. Birkoff does an EMS by nosing into Karyn’s psych record at Nikita’s request more like her challenge. He reports the details to Nikita and warns her to be careful. Nikita and Karen Mission Save each other and protect Michael in the process after the sweet old lady has taken him out! Next at the rooftop Karyn Mission Saves Nikita and goes on the lets make sure he is truly dead shooting spree. Gosh the fact that he was no longer moving should have given that crazy girl a clue.

Then the killer Section Logic about Psycho Karyn from Madeline and Operations, oh boy would I be really pissed. Nikita gets put through the emotional wringer for nothing, the decision was never really hers. It was another test; one of those pop quizzes I hated in high school, plus it highlighted how indoctrinated Nikita has become.


On to the final page of the Season One Episodes!

Episodes 115 - 122

Point of View Main Page


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MS: Mission Save
EMS: Elaborate Mission Save
TMPS: Twisting the Mission Profile Save
SPS: Section Politics Save
SWUCA: Section Wake Up Call Save
LS: Love Save
SS: Soul Save
SLS: Section Logic Save