TVGEN: Welcome! Tonight's chat is with La Femme Nikita's Peta Wilson.
Welcome, Peta. We are glad you could join us this evening.
Peta Wilson: Hello, everybody! Happy New Year and welcome to the new millennium.
RJP_007: How's it going, Peta?
Wilson: How's it going? It's going good. Having a nice glass of merlot and going for the gold.
PippyFoofenshnoof1: I hope you had a good Christmas. How did you spend your holidays?
Wilson: I had a great Xmas. Went to Bali with my brother. I'm a Scorpio and it's the island of Scorpio. Saw the sun setting and the moon rising at the same time.
sadie_s3: What is your favorite perfume?
Wilson: Gian Franco Fillet. Also homeopathy lavender oil. Also human body scents.
Alpha__18: Did you seen the French film Nikita from Luc Besson?
Wilson: Yes, I did! Very good movie. Had it not been for the movie, I'd not be on this chatline right now.
mecca297: Do the other cast members ever tease you about your accent? Personally, I think it's great to hear a non-North American accent in with everyone else!
Wilson: Well, they play with me, but I don't mind. Roy is another to tease me about my accent. But not really.
SusanHar: Hi, Peta. I was wondering if you have heard when your new movie Mercy will be released in the States?
Wilson: You know the director is about to come and have dinner with me. I'll ask him when he gets in. They call it Mercy for a reason. People will be begging for mercy. Damian, the director is here now. He says the movie will be coming out next fall.
Northstar8a: Did you work on any new projects during the summer hiatus?
Wilson: I'm going to produce a film, Gardens in the Night. Two lead actors, a girl and a boy, like a Romeo and Juliet. Doing it with my business partner, Jeff Masquite.
VikingLI: What is the plot of Mercy?
Wilson: I'm going through the kitchen right now to find the director.... He says it's a murder mystery, like a good Hitchcock. Very sexy, beautiful, mostly female... like a French film. It's based on a best-selling novel, Mercy. I had to do a lot of research for that part.
Nikita507: In the past two seasons, there have been a lot of characters that have been killed. If you had a choice to bring one of the killed characters back, who would it be and why?
Wilson: Tough... because Nikita doesn't want anyone to die. Stephen Berkoff (Madeline's husband). He's a wonderful actor and thought there were some interesting scenes Nikita could do with the character.
J2L2H2: Do you like playing with the different types of artillery?
Wilson: You know, I'm not a firearms person. But Nikita enjoys them. I get to "kill" people with a blank weapon. How many women get to play this part? I like the fight stuff better than the gun stuff. I like to use the best weapon of all. I like to use the mind.
PippyFoofenshnoof1: Do you have any martial arts training?
Wilson: Yes, I worked for seven months in California, though it's been a couple years since I've practiced formally.
KEYLFN: Peta, what's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Wilson: My most recent dangerous things was recently I was in Bali and touched a holy snake. It was a sea snake highly poisonous. The Hindu monk said I had the right energy. Also, Catholic girls' school! Flying on a plane is also dangerous. :) Oh, and going on vacation with my brother! Dangerous but had a good ending.
mecca297: Hi, Peta. Have you been back to Australia since LFN started screening there? If so, what was the reaction like there?
Wilson: No, I haven't. My mom called tonight. They want to do an interview with her. It's very well received over there. They like the show, like me. I'm shocked! So I'm pleased for my family. Would have been awful if they didn't like it.
Sanlin528: What is the most amusing or unusual event that has ever happened to you while filming a television series or movie?
Wilson: Hmmm. Doing TV in itself is pretty unusual. You're moving so quickly and dodging cameras and tracks and trying to make it seem real. Most unusual was having my dad on the set who's a real soldier and me showing him how to load a gun. As for funny, we have a laugh every day. It's so "dark" and I have to laugh.
Northstar8a: Who is your favorite author?
Wilson: I like Billy the Kid, Sam Shepard, JD Salinger, Jeanette Winterson (Mart and Amos) I like all history books. Shakespeare's a pretty damn good writer. Tennessee Williams, I forgot!!!
dejedgenet: Do you enjoy the emotional scenes or the action scenes better?
Wilson: Action scenes are fun, and I prefer them to the emotional scenes. I like when I'm cornering someone. I like it all, really.
ZG66: Who were your childhood role models?
Wilson: My father was my hero! Don Knotts, Lee Marvin, Jeff Bridges, Marlena Dietrich and my g'mother (Nana White), and Samantha from Bewitched. Oh, and Mr. Magoo and Winnie the Pooh.
btl_86: What is your favorite movie?
Wilson: One of the most beautiful movies was Days of Heaven. Also, Woman under the Influence, Sporting Life and Thunderbolt and Lightfoot with Jeff Bridges.
LFNluvr: Peta, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
Wilson: Everything! I love jazz, Cuban, Stan Getz, trance music, U2, rock 'n' roll, Magi Starr, rap, Elvis Costello. I like all music. Anything expressed from the heart. I like it all. Country music, too. Patsy Cline.... Aretha Franklin, John Lee Hooker... so many, it's very hard.
kar413: Hi, Peta! Watched the Season 3 premiere Sunday night and there were a lot of action scenes with you in them. How much of your own stunt work do you do?
Wilson: I did all of it. I didn't drop from three stories, but I did everything else. Nor the gun shot between my legs. They wouldn't let me. I do as much as they let me.
josephine_670: Being into classic and antique cars myself, I was wondering if you still have your T-Bird?
Wilson: Still got the T-Bird, Chevy and the Dodge. Lucy, Stella and Lucille.
chipbooger: Peta, I like the way you can change emotions at the drop of a hat, from fierce fighter to a vulnerable young woman almost brought to tears. Is there any one thing you think of to produce a tearful emotion?
Wilson: You should try and live with me with that kind of range! I can look at someone on the street, and can make up some sort of reality about them and make it go. I look at people and they touch me. I use memories, but mostly I live for the moment. It changes. It depends. My managers call me tornado, cyclone or hurricane. But I feel like the sea. But they see me as some kind of wind. :)
kar413: Peta, do you ever visit any of the web sites dedicated to you and your character? And what do you think of them?
Wilson: I bought a G3 last year and it blew up! I'm going to get a computer soon, but I have seen some of the web sites and am very flattered and grateful. Thank you all very much for all the hard work.
LindaVa_lfn: Peta, can you tell me a little more about this school you want to start for troubled children?
Wilson: I want to do a Juilliard. It came to me in Calgary and then the reality hit me that people wouldn't know who I was and then in the course of five nights it came to me in a dream. And now I have the opportunity to do something like this for kids who need the opportunity. I want to give something back. Kids are the future. No matter who or what they are. Kids on the street could better express their inner voices in a positive way. That's my passion, I have to do that. It's why I'm here. Hopefully it will be something that people will come and lecture at. And teachers, other students, then take it back to their own country. It's a big dream. I'm going to be Richard Branson!
SpiderwebLFN: Peta, what would be a good question to ask Alberta tomorrow?
Wilson: I don't know with Alberta.... She's such a Kewpie doll. She's a very interesting woman. Was very sick but now she's alive and well. Nothing but admiration for this woman. Oh, you could ask about her hair. I don't know that there's anything you could ask her that would trick her. Say, "You should cut your hair." You'll find out Nikita is really a hermaphrodite martian. ;)
CoolBeam007: I have heard that you got a chance to work with Stone Cold Steve Austin from the WWF. Is that true?
Wilson: No I haven't . Not yet. Coming up... maybe! God knows, maybe I'll have to protect him. That's what I always wanted to do but took a couple seasons to get there. She's going to get bigger, better, sharper, faster by the end of the season. She's very smart, Nikita. It's going to be great. My company is called Psycht. The first line is a special line of sunglasses. Also making watches, running shoes, backpacks and maybe computer accessories. It's my own company. I'm not endorsing someone else's line. We're starting the company from ground up. The reason we called it Psycht is that's what's the spiritual in the world. The money is going to go toward the school.
GOD_ROCKETH: Any secrets about the new season you can tell us?
Wilson: I just play the bad Nikita. There are two of us. And some scenes with Berkoff. There's some good stuff!
TVGEN: Thanks for joining us tonight, Peta. It was a lot of fun.
Wilson: Goodnight to everybody, and thank you very much! It's going to be a good year. I wish my arms were long enough to put them around 6,800 people and give you all a big kiss.