Valentine Saboteur

By Nahla

Part I

What in the world was she going to do? She had less than a week until Valentine’s Day and absolutely no clue what she was going to get Jace as a gift. There was always jewelry, maybe a gold chain. Or she could get him a nice shirt, but fashion was definitely not her forte, not to mention the man spent 90% of his time in scrubs.

She sighed with frustration.

"What’s wrong, sweetness?" her partner in Munitions asked, coming through the metal gate separating their work area from storage.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a little guy problem."

"Guy problem, eh? You and Jace have another disagreement?"

"No. No, nothing like that." Nahla replied, "I just don’t know what I want to get him for Valentine’s Day.

"You don’t say. Well, you’ve certainly come to the right man," Walter answered, a cocky grin lighting his weathered features. "Yes sirree, I know just the thing you outta get him."

"And what would that be?" she asked, a little wary at hearing his answer.


Nahla sputtered. "Excuse me???"

"Yup … that’s what you need. Take my word for you, you two will get awfully annoyed if at that critical moment you realized you’re not prepared."

"Um Walter, I hate to burst your bubble … but we don’t need those."

"Well why not, don’t tell me you two aren’t playing safe when doing the mattress dance." Walter replied, ready to lecture her all about safety.

"Who’s doing the mattress dance?" a third voice rang in.

Nahla’s face turned bright red as she wished she could crawl into a hole and bury herself. "No one." she said, looking poignantly at Walter, refusing to turn around and look Jace in the eye.

"Oh?" he answered, then grinned. "Ohhhhh. Hehe .. my mistake, sorry about that them. Better not go and buy any then, unless …"

"Cut it Walter!" Nahla gritted between her teeth.

Jace had moved to stand behind Nahla during her and Walter’s by-play, placing his hands on her shoulders and giving a gentle squeeze. "Did I miss something?"

"Nope, not at all … Did he Walter?

Walter grinned. "Like the lady said, nope."

If Jace hadn’t been watching closely, he would’ve missed the quick wink Walter sent his way. If Nahla saw it, she didn’t say anything.

Nahla turned her attention from the man in front of her to the man standing behind her. Turning her head, she raised her face as Jace bent forward to kiss her. "Do you have the day off?" she asked, wondering what had brought him to her area.

"No, just on my way in, thought I’d drop by a minute to see you." Nahla smiled, feeling a blossom of warmth in her chest at hearing that. "Speaking of which, I need to go, there are a couple of patients I really need to check on." he said, kissing her one more time before leaving.

"Nahla, I’ll be right back, got an errand to run." Walter said, leaving to follow after Jace.

"Hey Jace, wait up a second man." Walter called out, catching up to Jace in a nearby corridor. "Got a question for ya."

Jace stopped, raising an eyebrow. "Oh yea?"

"I was just curious. What are you getting Nahla for Valentine’s Day?"

"Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

"Oh I’m hurt man," Walter said, placing a hand over his heart as if in pain.

"Alright alright." Jace replied, leaning to whisper in Walter’s ear. "You think she’ll like it?"

"Oh most definitely." Walter answered with a knowing smile.


"Come in." Sherry called out when she heard a knock on her door.

"You got a minute?" Nahla asked as she popped her head in the door.

"For a friend, always!"

"Thanks." Nahla replied, closing the door behind her and moving to take a seat in one of the two chairs in front of Sherry’s desk.

"What’s up?" Sherry asked.

"Well, I need help with something. I have absolutely no clue what to get Jace for Valentine’s Day. Got any ideas??"

Sherry stood up and walked around to sit in the chair next to Nahla. Sitting with the desk between them seemed too formal for this particular discussion. "Well, I guess that depends on what kind of feeling you’re going for."

"Feeling?" Nahla asked, furrowing her brows.

"Yes. Like do you want something simple that says "affection"... or maybe something a little stronger perhaps?" Sherry explained. She knew that their relationship was growing closer, but she was uncertain just how close.

"Well," Nahla paused, thinking. "I’ve told him I love him, but I don’t want to go overboard or get too mushy. And I’d like to keep things simple, something that will tell him how much I enjoy just being with him."

Sherry smiled. "How are your cooking skills."

"Not too bad. A little rusty perhaps since coming into Section, but I use to cook quite a bit."

"Well then, there’s your answer."

"What?" Nahla asked, feeling a little dumb that she wasn’t following Sherry’s line of thinking.

"Why don’t you cook a little nice dinner for him? Maybe get a bottle of wine or champagne. Light some candles, put on some music. A little food, a little music, a little dancing perhaps? How’s that sound?"

"Oh Sherry it’s perfect!" Nahla said, reaching over the space between the chairs to give her a big hug. "Thank you!!!"

Sherry laughed, returning the hug. "You’re welcome. Glad I could help!" She continued laughing as she watched Nahla leave her office, rattling off ideas to herself about what to cook etc.

Part II

Jace was working on some last minute reports when there was a knock at his office door. "Yes?" he called out.

A young woman opened the door and quickly stepped inside. "Hi Dr. Jamison, I’m sorry to bother you, but I have some forms that require your signature."

"That’s ok, Jillian, you’re not interrupting anything important, just the run of the mill paperwork." he said, smiling at his administrative assistant.

She had been transferred from a substation a couple months ago and had been a Godsend. Even when living in the real world, he’d never found an assistant with her capabilities.

Jillian walked up to the desk, placing the forms in front of him. With his attention on the papers, Jace didn’t see Jillian taking in his appearance, or hear the quiet sigh that followed.

Placing the cap back on his pen, Jace stacked the papers, handing them back to the woman in front of him. "Here you go, is there anything else?"

"No sir, that’s it." she replied, taking the papers and leaving his office to return to her desk. Once seated she ran a fingertip lightly over his signature thinking to herself that even his handwriting was beautiful.

Life would just too perfect if the man would take the time to really look at her. Ever since she was a child, she had been aware of her beauty, and used it to her full advantage. She had dreams of marrying the good doctor. Jace and Jillian Jamison. Yes, it had a nice ring to it.

"Hi Jillian, how’s your day going?"

Jillian looked up to find Nahla standing in front of her. "Just fine Nahla, how are you?" she replied, pasting on a smile.

"Just peachy, is Jace in?"

She replied with a smooth lie. "No, I’m sorry, he isn’t. He’s tied up at the moment in a meeting."

"Damn." Nahla said, fwapping the envelope in her right hand against her left palm.

Jillian eyed the envelope. "Is there something you want to leave for him? I’ll make sure he gets it as soon as he returns."

"Would you? Oh that’d be great Jillian, thanks!" She answered, handing the envelope to Jillian then checking her watch. "Oh geez, look at the time, I gotta run. I’ll talk to you later, ok?"

"Sure thing." Jillian replied, then once she was out of earshot "chump." The blonde irritated her to no end simply because she had somehow caught the attention of the man that was meant for her.

Looking carefully at the envelope in her hands, she debated whether or not to open it. ‘Ok who am I kidding?!,’ she thought to herself.

Carefully breaking the seal, she withdrew what looked like an invitation of some sort. Unfolding the piece of paper, Jillian quickly scanned over the handwritten contents.

Join me for a Valentine’s Day Dinner

Wednesday, February 14, 2001

8 p.m. @ Nahla’s

Dress semi-formal

(Please RSVP)

If such a thing were possible, a light bulb would have appeared over Jillian’s head. She quickly put together a plan to thwart Nahla’s plan for the romantic holiday. If she couldn’t celebrate with the good doctor, neither would anyone else.

Knowing she couldn’t simply get rid of the invitation, Jillian resorted to using a skill that had played a part into her induction to Section. Quickly making a blank copy of the note, she put her forging talents to work.

Smiling at her ingenious idea, she quickly put the new note into an envelope then rose to knock again at Jace’s door.

"Come in."

"Sorry to bother you again, but Nahla just dropped something off for you."

"Is she still out there?" he said, starting to rise from his chair.

Jillian quickly put out a hand to stop him. "No, she was in a hurry to get someplace and only had enough time to drop it off."

"Oh." he replied, sitting back down.

Jillian left him with the note, leaving his office with a satisfied smirk. Jace opened the envelope, withdrawing the sheet of paper from inside. A smile appeared as his read her hand written invitation. He had been inquiring around about local restaurants, but was pleased with her idea of a quiet dinner for two at her place.

Quickly taking a pen, he added a little note to the bottom of her invitation telling her he couldn’t wait. Unable to leave the office at the moment, he asked Jillian if she would mind running the envelope over the Munitions.

"Not at all, I’d be glad too." she replied, silently cursing Nahla’s name for being the one to put a look of happiness that lit up Jace’s face. "Do you mind if I wait to take it over later when I have to run some other errands?"

"No, that’s fine."

Jillian was glad he agreed that way Nahla wouldn’t get suspicious should she arrive too early with a response. After all, Nahla was under the impression that Jace was in a meeting. Using her forgery skills once more time, she quickly forged Jace’s note to the bottom of the original invitation. Couldn’t have her plans spoiled on such a minor detail.

Walter and Nahla were standing side by side, their heads bent close together as they worked on some small piece of machinery.

"Hey Nahla." Jillian called out in greeting.

"Hey Jillian, what brings you this way?" Nahla asked.

"Jace asked me to bring something to you," she replied, handing Nahla the envelope.

"Hey sweetness, you gonna introduce me?" Walter asked, appreciatively eyeing Jillian.

"Sorry Walter. Walter, this is Jillian. She’s Jace’s secretary. Jillian, Walter." she replied.

"Actually I’m an administrative assistant, but it’s nice to meet you." Jillian replied, extending a hand to Walter. He took her hand, making a gallant showing of brushing a light kiss across her knuckles.

"The pleasures all mine." he said with a wink and a grin.

Taking her hand back, she sent a small smile his way. ‘Yep, still got it’ she thought to herself. "Well I gotta get back to my post, I’ll see you around."

"Feel free to drop by anytime!" Walter called out to her retreating figure. She did a half turn sending a wink back in his direction.

Walter returned his attention to his partner and friend. "So what’d Jace have to say?" he asked.

"He’s just RSVPing that he can make dinner."

"Well of course he can, but just in case he can’t, I’d be more than willing to take his place." Walter said as he swept an arm around her waist, took her hand in his, and waltzed them in a circle around the workbench. "I was quite the Romeo in my days you know.

Nahla chuckled. "I don’t doubt it for a second."