Union of Souls

by TraceCAT98

As Operations stopped at the end of the access tunnel, the door to the mission van opened. March, Daniels, and Simmons exited the van, and proceeded down the access tunnel. As they reached the end, and passed Operations, they all three grimaced, and avoided eye contact. Then, as Operations looked back at the van, he saw Nikita, Michael, and Walter exit next. Walter and Nikita, with Michael between them, moved slowly and delicately. They supported as much of Michael's weight as they could. With Michael leaning on them, and holding up his wounded leg, they stopped in front of Operations.

Operations: Anyone care to tell me what happened?

Nikita, Walter, and Michael all looked at one another. Then, Walter looked at Operations and started to speak. Before he could, Michael interrupted.

Michael: The intel was faulty. There was a maintenance man on site...and it got a little hairy.

Operations just looked at Michael and smirked.

Operations: Hairy? How about it got way out of hand?! Even with the faulty intel...you should have been able to contain the situation. What about the back up...who was supposed to contain any onsite anomalies?

Michael just continued staring, blankly at Operations. Then, as the air got thick with tension, Nikita spoke up.

Nikita: I was Michael's back up...I guess I messed up.

Operations grins, and then bursts out in laughter.

Operations: You guess you messed up?! You guess!?

As the trio stood there, Michael still holding his injured leg up, and Nikita and Walter supporting him, Operations just stared at Nikita. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he spoke.

Operations: Okay, you two get Michael to Medlab. When you have finished that, Walter, I want you to go over the mission profile with Birkoff, and see what we could have missed.

Nikita, noticing that Operations had not said anything about her, clears her throat slightly.

Nikita: And me?

Operations, narrowing his eyes, glares at her.

Operations: You? You report to Madeline.

As he says this, Operations turns and walks down the hallway, the clicking of his shoes on the metal flooring resounding ominously in the quietness. After he has turned the corner, and is out of range, Walter turns to Nikita.

Walter: I guess we better get Michael some help.

Nikita nods in agreement. But, as they slowly head for Medlab, she can't help but get an uneasy feeling...a feeling that maybe...this time...she wouldn't come out of Madeline's office... unscathed.


Nikita stood opposite the door to Madeline's office, hesitant to enter. She knew that she had screwed up...and she was already dealing with the fact that it could have cost Michael his life. But, right now, at this moment, the last thing she needed was to have Madeline, the psychologist, in all her glory, tip toeing around in her head, just so that she can report back to Operations. She would rather be able to deal with her failure, her own way, but she reminded herself, that is not how things worked at Section.

At that moment, the door to Madeline's office slid open, and Nikita looked through, to see Madeline waiting on the other side. As Nikita stepped through, and descended the stairs, the door closed behind her. Nikita, feeling as if she were descending into Hell itself, only smiled weakly at Madeline.

Madeline, waiting in the center of the room, returned Nikitas smile, then motioned for her to take a seat. As Nikita sat down, Madeline moved over behind her desk, and took a seat as well. As the two women sat there, looking at one another, Madeline spoke.

Madeline: Nikita, as you may know, what happened on your latest mission cannot be allowed to happen again.

Nikita, smiling only slightly, just nods her head. Then, looking down at her lap, she begins to fidget with the material of her pant leg. Avoiding Madeline's gaze, however, does not avoid Madeline's lecture.

Madeline: Operations, and I, have come to what we feel to be the most logical conclusion. We are having you transferred...to a substation...as soon as possible.

The sound of the word "transferred" causes Nikita to jerk her head up, and with her eyes blinking rapidly, looks at Madeline with a look of shock.

Nikita: Transferred? When? Where?

Madeline, standing, walks over to her bonsai tree cabinet, behind Nikita. As she starts to check the limbs on the trees, she picks up her pruning shears, and without looking at Nikita, continues.

Madeline: There is a substation in Algiers...that needs an operative with your special skills. As for when...we are still working on that. You will be given at least a weeks notice before you are expected to report.

Nikita, still stunned, just sits, and stares. She cannot believe that she is being transferred. She cannot believe that she is going to have to leave her apartment, her friends in Section...but most of all...she cannot believe she is going to have to leave Michael. At this last thought, she has to choke back a sudden urge to cry. She can feel tears beginning to form in her eyes, and quickly reaches up to wipe them away. She then stands, and turns to Madeline.

Nikita: Will that be all? Can I go now?

Madeline, detecting the venomous tone in Nikitas voice, turns from her bonsai trees. As she smiles at Nikita, and nods her head, Nikita starts for the stairs. Upon ascending the stairs, Nikita stops midway, and without turning, speaks.

Nikita: Does Michael know about this...transfer?

Madeline: Not yet...but he will.

Nikita, without so much as glancing over her shoulder, reaches the top step. As the door slides open, and she walks through, she makes no sound. After the door slides shut, and Madeline is left alone, she turns back to her bonsai trees, and carefully continues pruning them.


Nikita was still not able to believe it. After hearing from Madeline that she was to be transferred, she had left Madeline's office in a state of shock. Then, after a few weeks, that shock wore off, and she began to think that it was all a big mistake. But, when she came home today, after having gone on a relaxing shopping spree, her comfortable little world of self denial was shattered.

She had entered her apartment, and to her surprise, had found it totally covered in candlelight. Candles had been placed everywhere, and the light from them cast an eerie glow across the room. As she shut the door, and turned towards her living room, she noticed that her french doors to her balcony were open. Before she could think to remember if she had accidentally left them open, Michael entered through them. Nikita, caught off guard, first by the candles, then by Michael, only stares in surprise.

But, as Michael crosses the room, and draws nearer to her, her surprised look turns to one of fear. The look on Michael's face tells her that what he is about to say will change both of their lives. As Nikita braces herself, and looks at Michael, he speaks.

Michael: The transfer orders came down today...you leave tomorrow morning...for Algiers. The orders stated a time frame of at least 2 years.

Nikita, not able to speak, just smiles sadly and nods her head. As she does, Michael reaches out to her, and placing his hand behind her head, draws her near to him. Nikita, offering no resistance, places her head on Michael's shoulder, as he wraps his other hand around her waist, and hugs her tightly...protectively...against him.

As they stand there, taking comfort in the closeness of one another's bodies, Nikita almost drops her guard. As she pulls back from Michael, and looks him in the eyes, she is not prepared for what she sees.

As Nikita looks into Michael's eyes, she sees sadness, pain, and regret. But, she could not just see the emotions, she needed him to voice them...to make them real...to make her feel as if they are not a dream...a figment of her imagination. As Nikita continues to look at Michael, she thinks that maybe he is going to shift his blank stare back into place, and become the same ol Michael she has always known...and loved.

But, when Michael pulls back from Nikita, with the look of pain and regret still evident in his eyes, she thinks that maybe...this time things were going to be different. With the soft glow of candlelight playing across his face, Nikita thinks of how much, at this moment, Michael looks like an angel.

As she continues to gaze at him, he reaches up and, cupping her cheek in the palm of his hand, softly rubs her cheekbone with his thumb. As he does, Nikita closes her eyes and leans her face into his touch. As her body begins to react to Michael touch, which she always takes such great pleasure in, she is caught totally off guard by his next statement.

With his voice low and husky, and a slight bit of a grin playing on his lips, Michael totally stuns Nikita.

Michael: Nikita...marry me.


Nikita looks at Michael, not sure that she has heard him right.

Nikita: Marry you?

Michael just continues grinning, seductively, and nods. Nikita searches Michael's eyes for any hint of deception, or humor, and finding none, laughs.

Nikita: You are serious...aren't you?

As he stares back at Nikita, he looks her in the eye, and with all seriousness, repeats the question.

Michael: Will you marry me...Nikita?

Nikita, smiling brightly, nods her head.

Nikita: Yes...I will. But...how? I leave in a few hours...and I will not see you for two years? Can we wait that long?

Michael looks at her, his eyes flowing over every detail of her face, and nods.

Michael: No...we will get married before you leave...here...now.

Nikita develops a puzzled look, and Michael continues.

Michael: We will have a union of our souls...a bond that we will hold dear...and when you return.. we will have a traditional wedding.

Nikita, with tears forming in her eyes, smiles and hugs Michael. Michael returns Nikitas embrace just as ferociously. As they separate, Michael, taking Nikitas hand, gets down on one knee. Looking up at Nikita, and looking deeply into her eyes, he opens his heart to her.

Michael: I had it all planned out what I was going to say...and I ran it over and over in my head ...on my way over here. But, now, that the time has arrived...and I am here...with you ...and you are looking down at me like that...I have totally forgotten what I had planned.

Nikita, letting out a nervous laugh, takes Michael's hand in both of his, and tries to get him to stand.

Nikita: Michael...you don't have to do this...I know...and that is enough.

Michael, still on his knee, nods his head, and continues.

Michael: No...this needs to be said. Nikita...for the longest time...I have watched you...and thought of how it would be to live my life with you...really live. I have wondered what it would be like to close my eyes at night, holding you in my arms...and wake in the morning to your gentle smile. I wondered what it would be like to share myself...my true...inner self with you...to bare all of my innermost secrets to you...and have you know the real me. I have worshipped and desired you from the first time I saw you. When you awoke, and looked up at me...at that very moment...I knew that my heart would never belong to another. You made me believe...believe that there was still the ability within me to feel...and love again. You made me human...you breathed life back into me. When my life was at its darkest...and that darkness threatened to consume me completely...you were the light that led me back...to life and to love...you made my heart full...and you gave it the ability to hope...and sing...again. I will forever be changed by you...and your presence in my life. I may never be able to fully repay you for all that you have done for me...but...if you will allow me...I would like to spend the rest of our lives making you happy...and keeping you safe. Please...Nikita...be my partner in life...and let me show you my love for you...for always.

As Nikita stood there, looking down at Michael, with tears running down her cheeks, all she could do was smile. As Michael stood up, Michael places his hand on Nikitas cheek, cradling it gently. As he gazes into her eyes, he tenderly brushes her tears from her face, with his thumb. As Michael continues to look into Nikitas eyes, his look sudden changes, and Nikita looks at him expectantly.

Michael, taking his hand from Nikitas cheek, places it on her upper arm. Then, leaning towards her, he brushes a kiss across her lips. When she does not pull back, he grips her upper arms tighter, raising his head a bare inch to gaze into the mysterious depths of her blue eyes. Then his head lowered once again, his lips covering hers in a kiss which tore into her soul. Gently, seductively, his tongue traced the fullness of her lower lip until it opened, a small moan issuing from her throat as he took advantage of the sensual invitation.

His arms pulled her closer, his chest cushioning hers as his arms wrapped around her shoulders, and his head tilted to deepen the kiss he had so longed for. Lips and tongues dueled in pleasure, their moans echoing through their bodies as they strained together.

As they pull back from one another, Michael looks into Nikitas eyes.

Michael: I love you Nikita...with all my heart...and forever.

Nikita smiles, and leaning into Michael, places her head on his chest.


As Nikita loads the last of her bags onto the mission van, she turns to look at her friends. Walter and Birkoff had come to see her off, and say good-bye. As she turns to face them, tears well up in her eyes. Walking over to Birkoff, she grabs him and hugs him tightly.

Nikita: Don't you forget to keep me updated on you and Gail...okay?

Birkoff, pulling back from Nikita, looks down in embarrassment, and mumbles an okay.

Then, Nikita turns to Walter, and hugging him, inhales deeply.

Nikita: Walter...you be a good boy while I am gone...and don't be scaring any of the newbies...okay.

Walter just smiles mischievously, and with a playful look nods.

Walter: Ah...Sugar...you have to let me have a little fun.

Nikita laughs, and turning for the van, wipes a tear from her eyes.

As she starts to step into the van, Walter calls.

Walter: Sugar...I am sorry that Michael didn't show up to see you off...he must have had something really pressing to do.

Nikita, looking back over her shoulder, smiles

Nikita: That is okay Walter...Michael and I have already said our good-byes.

With that, Nikita enters the van, closing the door behind her. As the van pulls out, and heads out onto the main road, Nikita catches a glimpse of a black car, parked just outside of site. When she sees it, she thinks to herself for a moment....then smiles.

As Michael watches from his car, and the van disappears out of site, he closes his eyes, and to no one in particular speaks

Michael: With all my heart...and forever.


This story ©Copyright Trace, 1998

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