North came into CLHQ after being away a few days to discover that no one was about. Checking in all the downstairs rooms she found absolutely NO ONE! This was really strange. Usually one or two of the Covert Lovers could be found in the kitchen or the lounge. Not even Wendy or Christopher were in the kitchen!!!! Something was afoot and she was determined to find out what.

Walking out the kitchen door, she glanced at the calendar and the date was circled in red. OH MY GOSH!!I completely forgot!!!!

Running up the stairs into her room she grabbed her costume, made her way back out the door, slamming i tshut behind her. Getting into her car and making her way downtown, she hoped she wasn't too late for the party!! After all it was her party!!! LOL Maybe they'll just think I'm being fashionably late.

Entering the hotel, North quickly made her way to the room she had booked for herself and got herself ready. Making sure her Toga was secured she then made her way down to the party room.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time and it didn't look as though anyone missed her. Suddenly, Sherry appeared at North's side asking for some milk. It seemed as though she had one of her migraines. Poor girl, they hit her when least expected. North knew all about that! Making sure that Sherry was looked after, she made her way around the room and mingled.

Now, if you want the rest of the story you will have to read the stories........

Toga Sherry

One Embarassing Aries

Hope everyone has a good time!!!!

1999 Illusions Index