
Everyone thinks of what they would do, or how they would spend the money, if they were actually lucky enough to win the lottery. Some say they would pay off all their bills, and take a long vacation...maybe a month long cruise to the Bahamas and back. And, yet others say they will give their winnings to members of their family and loved ones. But, in the end, we all THINK we know what we would do with the money, but when in comes right down to it, we have no sure fire idea.

That was how I was, until that fateful day in April, 1999. I was in the process of gathering my receipts to do my taxes. I had put them off till almost the last minute, and to say that I was rushed would have been a major understatement. But, as I gathered the necessary forms, and started to sort out my receipts, I happened across an old lottery ticket stub.

As soon as my fingers touched the paper, a shock went through me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, and would only feel again once in my lifetime. As my eyes played over the numbers, a familiarity began to form in my mind, and I thought *what the hey*. Getting my coat and purse, I got into my car and drove to the outlet from which the ticket was purchased.

Telling myself, there is no way that I could have won, I nonetheless had the cashier put the ticket through the machine, and check the numbers. As the paper slid through the top slot, and was ejected on the bottom, the minutes seemed to drag by. The machine whirled, and chirped, and then all of a sudden stopped. When it did, the cashiers eyes got big, and she turned to look at me.

'A dud huh?' I asked, nonchalantly, then turned to leave. 'Your a millionaire,' she said softly. So much so, that at first I did not hear what she said. Turning around, and looking to her, I smiled and raised my eyebrows in question. 'What did you say?' I asked slowly. The cashier looked me straight in the eye, and smiled brightly. 'You have won two hundred million dollars!!!!'

It took a moment to sink in, and when it did, I still couldn't believe it. As I stood there, numb and dazed, I heard the cashier talking to me. 'Hummm? What did you say?' I ask. She smiled, and repeated her question. 'I said, what is the first thing you are going to do with your new found wealth? Go to Disney World?' I smiled, mischievously and nodded my head. 'Go to Disney World?' I questioned dramatically, 'Heck...I am gonna BUY Disney World!!'


The entire next week flew by in a flurry of interviews, and visits from friends and family. Everyone wanted to congratulate me, and know what I had intended to do with my new found wealth. Up until the very moment I was asked this, on an interview held on a local television station, even I wasn't sure what I intended to do. But, when pressed, and backed into the corner, my answers were not all that surprising to me.

I told the reporter that I intended to give ten million dollars to my parents, to do with what they wished. They deserved to be comfortable, having struggled all their lives, and the money would assure that fact. I then intended to give five million to my cousin, Chris, and her husband Tony. Chris had been my rock, my biggest fan, and my most loyal confidant throughout my entire life. And, jokingly, I tell the reporter that I was getting off cheap with only paying her five million for having put up with me for so long.

Then, when the reporter looked to me, and asked what I had planned for the remaining one hundred and five million, I only smile. I told them, I am going to give five million to an abused children charity fund, five million to the homeless shelters in my city, and five million to Ronald McDonalds House Charities. The reporter was crunching the numbers, as I rifled of the amounts, and when I paused, looked up at me.

'But, that still leaves you with...lets see...ninety-million. Any plans for that yet? Perhaps Disney World?' he quipped, and we both laughed.

Then, after laughter had died down, and we were once again serious, I looked directly at the camera, and smiled. 'No, I kinda changed my mind on Disney World. I am in negotiations to purchase FIREWORKS PRODUCTIONS.'

A confused look crossed the reporters face, and shifting slightly in his chair, he leaned forward a little, and spoke. 'FIREWORKS PRODUCTIONS? Is that some sort of movie production company?' he asked.

I smile, and nod slowly. 'Something like that,' I answer.


I had been the sole owner, and CEO of FIREWORKS PRODUCTIONS for well over two months, when the day finally arrived. After much debate, and much juggling of my schedule, I was finally going to get a meet with the person that I had longed so much to see. My whole intention, and plan for purchasing the company was now coming to fruition.

Now, sitting at my desk, in my executive office, I anxiously tap my fingers on my leg, checking my watch every minute. After about five minutes, that feels more like five hours, I hear a soft knock at my door. Standing, and smoothing out my pant suit, I clear my throat. 'Enter, please,' I say.

In the next moment, time stands still for me. As the door swings open, and to the side, my heart leaps into my throat. He walks through the door, with all the grace and ease of royalty. He is as at ease with himself in person, as he is on film. He smiles, his face lighting up, and his eyes twinkling.

Walking towards me, he extends his hand, and says 'it is very nice to meet you finally.'

As I reach out my hand in response, and our fingers touch, a slight shock runs up my arm. Just like the shock that I felt when I touched the lottery ticket. That seemed so long ago now...but the shock was the same.

I motion for him to sit down, and we begin with polite chit chat. Then, after a few moments, I get to the heart of the meeting. Placing my hands together, and resting them on my desk, I lean forward slightly and narrow my eyes.'What would it take to get you back on the show?' I ask him point blank.

Bruce smiles, seductively, and just sits back in his chair. I think to myself, *this is going to be one very interesting negotiation*.


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