The Vacation

By Northstar

Part One

Nikita stomped around her apartment in disgust. She couldn't believe that Madeline was doing this. She wouldn't have minded going with Birkoff, Walter and Michael but to have Operations and Madeline along as well. Good grief!! What was she trying to do? Have them kill each other. A week!! A whole week of 'togetherness' and 'getting to know each other better' she said. Nikita was beginning to think that Madeline needed to see a counselor.


Birkoff put the final piece of clothing into his suitcase and closed it up. A vacation. Neat. He hadn't been out of Section, other than on missions, since he arrived. Even his down time was spent inside Section One. He was looking forward to spending some time away from the 'inside' and getting to spend a whole week with his friends. Well almost all of them were his friends. Taking a last look around, he grabbed his suitcase and headed to Comm.


Michael couldn't understand what Madeline was up to but he was going prepared. He needed to make sure that he talked to Nikita before they left. He needed to warn her that they both needed to be on the lookout. He didn't trust Madelines motives on this.

Packing his last bit of clothing in his duffel, he left his loft. As he headed to Section One, he thought of the possibilities of this trip.


Walter grumbled as he put the last piece of equipment away. He had just finished the inventory and still need to grab his bag from his locker. He was almost glad for the respite that this so-called vacation was going to give him. He had worked non-stop for three weeks now. It seemed every time equipment came back from a mission there was some kind of repair to be made. He hadn't even had time to work on his latest invention. Oh well, maybe when he got back. Yeah right, and who was he kidding. He was probably going to be swamped when he got back with no time for nothing.

He headed over to his locker, extracted his bag and made his way to Comm.


Was she out of her cotton pickin' mind?? Paul thought to himself. Of all the lame brained ideas to come up. A week away with, ugh, Nikita. He barely tolerated her never mind being stuck in her company for a week. Hmmm, maybe I can get some time alone with Maddy, he mused. Michael was alright and so was Walter but the younger set he just didn't want to deal with.

Making final arrangements with his replacement, Reuben, he went over the final details of the one mission they had ongoing at the moment. No problems were forseen but he wanted to make sure everything was in place.

After Reuben left for the briefing, Paul made his way to Madelines office to see if he could be any assistance.


Part 2....

Madeline was humming to herself as she tended to her plants. She knew what the others would be thinking of her and she smiled to herself. No one wanted to go but she had been pursuasive. Walter she had given a two week downtime at the end of the month and Birkoff she had told that she would keep Greg out of his hair for a month if he went. Birkoff had not liked the idea that Greg would be doing his job while he was gone but he really didn't have any choice in the matter. What Birkoff didn't know though was that Madeline had made sure that certain safeguards be taken with the computers and that Greg would be under surveillance the whole time. No sense taking chances. He had already shown how underhanded he could be.

Michael had actually been quite open to the suggestion. That took her by surprise but then again it shouldn't have. He would get to spend time with Nikita. But not if she had her way. At least not for the whole time. She had other plans.

Operations walked into Madelines office and stopped suddenly. It wasn't often he saw her 'happy' but she seemed to be that way now.

"Come in Paul. I'm almost done." she said not even turning around to look at him. "And don't look so stunned. I do at times have my happy times."

How could she know. She hadn't even turned around. She must be into mindreading these days along with everything else she was into. "I thought I would see if you needed any help with anything." he spoke as he looked around the room. It was very much Madelines domain, just as his was his.

"No. I have everything done that needs to be done." she replied as she turned to face him. "Are the others all here yet?"

"Everyone except Nikita." he grimaced. "I still don't understand the need for this so called vacation Madeline. What is it exactly that you are trying to accomplish with this?"

"All in good time Paul. You of all people should know how I work."

"Yes. Only too well I'm afraid." he said as he shook his head. "Are you sure letting Greg do Birkoff's job is wise? You know what he can do."

"Yes, I know, but I have things under control." she answered tersely, angry that he would doubt her decision. "I have all the contigencies covered."

Paul knew he had upset her but he had to ask. Her mind had been on this vacation for a while now. "Fine. Well if you are ready, why don't we head down to Comm and see if everyone is here so that we can get this show on the road."

Taking a last glance around, she paused at her desk, picked up a file that had been laying there and they headed out.


Part 3

By the time they reached the Comm area, Nikita was just straggling in. She did not look too happy as she joined the rest of them. Madeline took note of this and inwardly smiled. She was sure that once the week was over that a few things would change. Hopefully for the better but if not, no great loss. Either way it would prove interesting.

"Well, I'm glad to see everyone is here." Madeline said to the group gathered in front of her. "Grab your stuff and we'll head to van access and be on our way." With that she turned on her heel and led the way.

Once they were all installed in the van, Madeline took the drivers seat and got underway. It surprised the others to see her doing the driving. Normally she would have had an operative do this.

Paul was starting to get even more irritated. He didn't like it when he wasn't in control. "Madeline, exactly where are we headed?" he asked, not being able to contain himself any longer. He needed to get the control back. After all he was the head of Section One.

"All in good time." she answered back not taking her eyes off the road ahead. She knew what he was trying to do, but she wouldn't allow it. He needed to relinquish control sometimes. She had planned it so that they would arrive in the dark so as to not tip them off too early of where they were headed. She knew she hadn't heard the last of the questions, but she had patience.

A while later Madeline pulled into a service station to get fueled up and to give the others a chance for a restroom break. It was still going to be an hour before they arrived at their destination. Clambouring back into the van they resumed their positions. Not surprisingly Birkoff had brought along a laptop to play his games on. He was the only one who actually seemed to relish this trip. Madeline could understand this as he hadn't gotten much time out of Section.

Once underway again, Paul fell into a restless sleep. You could see his mind working even in repose. Walter, Michael and Nikita all talked quietly and Madeline was wondering what it was that they were discussing. Oh well, time enough to worry about that later. She had to keep an eye out for the road that she would have to turn into soon. They had passed the last signpost a few miles back so it should be coming up soon. Yes. There it was. Madeline made the turn onto the dirt road. The jostling of the vehicle woke Paul up and as he sat up he rubbed his eyes.

"Aren't we there yet?" he asked disgruntled. "How much longer Madeline?"

At this Madeline had to laugh out loud which of course irritated him further. "You know Paul, you sounded just like a kid asking that question. 'Are we there yet?' It's a wonder you didn't tell me you had to go to the bathroom."

"Well now that you mention it..."

"You had your chance when we stopped earlier. You should have listened to me." Suddenly the van lurched and then came to a sudden stop as Madeline tried to avoid a large tree branch that had fallen across the road. "Damn. Must have had a storm here in the last few days. We have a tree across the road. We'll have to get out and move it."

Michael spoke up for the first time since leaving One. "I'll go out and access the situation."

"Michael, relax, this isn't a mission. It's only a tree." Nikita quipped. "We'll all go out and move it. The more people that help the quicker it will be done." She glanced at Operations while she said the last part as he made no indication that he was going to help them.

"Nikita's right Paul. We ALL have to help. Besides we're almost there." Madeline nudged him. Reluctantly he got up and they all headed out the door.

Within a few minutes the offending branch was removed, even with the grumbling heard from Paul and they were on their way once again. The fresh night air had revived everyone.

A few miles later and they had arrived....


Part 4

As Paul exited the van he looked increduously at the dwelling in front of them. "You have got to be kidding Madeline?" he expostulated. "This is nothing but a run down shack and you expect us to stay here? I don't think so. You've had your fun. Now, let's get back in the van and head back." With that he did an about face and re-entered the vehicle.

"Sorry Paul." Madeline sighed. "You're here for the duration. You'll thank me for this at the end. Besides," she said as she dangled the keys in the air, "I have the keys so you won't be going anywhere."

"WALTER!!" he yelled. "Get in here and do your magic and hotwire this damn thing."

"Sorry sir, no can do." Walter replied. Inwardly he was chuckling at the way Operations was acting. Just like a spoiled child. Amazing really considering he had spent time in a POW camp and learned the value of silence and obedience.

"Why not?" Paul was bound and determined to leave. "Answer me dammit."

"Well sir, it was your idea. You specified when we built these units that we were to make it so that nothing or no one could tamper with it or it would set off a detonation." Walter answered him calmly.

Still acting like a petulant child, Operations made his way out of the van. "Fine."

The others were all watching this playing out, not commenting. Madeline finally broke the silence that had overcome them. "Okay everyone, let's go inside and I'll give you your assigned rooms. Oh and they will be the only sanctuary that you will have at your disposal this week. Yours and ONLY yours." she emphasized as she glanced at Michael and Nikita.

"You mean this 'thing' actually has separate rooms? Good." Paul stated. "At least one thing is acceptable."

Madeline had them follow her into the house. On the outside it looked like it was ready to fall down, but on the inside it was quite comfortable and roomy.

Michael walked over to the kitchen which was set in one corner of the main floor. Looking over the appliances and then opening the fridge, he was pleased with what he saw. Turning to Madeline he asked, "May I do the cooking this week?"

Taking Madeline by surprise she answered, "Of course. But we will set up a duty roster so that everyone has a turn with kitchen duties." She had already had this in her mind to do, so that was one hurdle that was overcome. She was a bit surprised that he had offered first. "In fact if you like you may rustle up a quick snack Michael and then we will retire."

A short while later, after a snack of grilled cheese and hot chocolate, they all trudged up the stairs where Madeline showed them their assigned rooms. She led Operations to his first as she didn't want to have to deal with any more complaints from him tonight.

If they had been surprised by the outward appearance of the house they were even more surprised by their rooms. Each had their own bathroom as well as a desk, computer, a queen size bed and plenty of other amenities. What they didn't know though was that the windows were sealed and once they were in their rooms they would be sealed in until Madeline released them in the morning. She had to take this necessary precaution simply to ensure that everyone would stay for this week.

Once they were all installed in their rooms she made her way back down to work on the schedule for the morning. Taking the file out of her briefcase along with a few others, she made some adjustments. Paul was going to be a problem and she was going to have to deal with that. Once she was done, she too headed to bed.


In the morning when everyone had once more gathered in the living room after breakfast, Madeline gave each one a schedule for the day. "Oh and by the way, Nikita, Michael and Walter, I'll just take those cell phones of yours now and you can have them back at the end of the week."

The three of them looked at each other. They had been caught. During the night they had called each other to get opinions on what was happening and to try and figure out the reason for this trip. Not coming up with anything viable they decided to use the 'wait and see' approach. Reluctantly they handed Madeline their phones not saying a word. No point.

After putting the phones away, Madeline turned and handed each one a folder. "Okay, I will give you 15 minutes to complete the forms inside and then we'll head outside for our first activity."

All of them rolled their eyes including Birkoff. They thought that work had been left behind. When they opened their folders they found a simple questionaire on likes and dislikes and a few other forms. Birkoff of course was the first one done, with Paul a few minutes later. Walter seemed to be having a harder time but eventually he got it done.

"Okay. Now we start." Madeline informed them. "Nikita and Paul, you will be on Team 1. Birkoff and Michael will make up Team 2 and Walter and I will be Team 3."

"Madeline!!" Paul protested. Madeline knew he would have some objections and just smiled at him.

"Now the equipment you will be using is set up outside. Oh and make sure you put on ALL of the equipment. It's for your own protection."

"Madeline," Walter asked, "just what is it exactly that we are going to be doing today?"

"Glad you asked that Walter. We are going to playing 'Paintball Warfare' and it's going to be fun. Now, let's go." They all followed Madeline out the door.

Nikita still hadn't said a word but in some ways she was glad that she had been paired up with Operations. At least she knew that he was on her side. Or at least she hoped he was. Donning her equipment she made sure to fasten the vest securely and she told herself to keep an eye on Ops the whole time they were out.

Walter went over and gave Birkoff a hand as he had been having trouble with the fasteners on his vest. Soon everyone was ready.

"Here are the maps with the coordinates of our playing area," Madeline explained as she handed them out. "Please follow the rules and stay within the containment area. Remember that you are supposed to be working as a team and not against each other."

"How long do we have to achieve end game?" Michael asked. He was hoping that Birkoff would be able to follow orders sufficiently. Michael had made up his mind that he would come out the victor.

"Well, it is 0800 hours now. We will have until 1300 hours to achieve end game. Michael, you and Birkoff will head out first. You will find the coordinates of your starting point on your maps. I will give you 10 minutes before I send out Operations and Nikita. Walter and I will leave shortly after. Good luck and remember this is supposed to be fun."

Michael looked to Birkoff, motioned for him to follow and they took off on a gentle run towards the trees.


"Okay Nikita, you follow me. I'll be in charge of our team."

"Yeah. Whatever." she replied. It was no surprise to her that Ops wanted to be in charge. She complied for now.

"Okay Madeline, they're gone now. Answer me one thing?" Walter looked to her and smiled.

"What is it Walter?"

"Exactly why are we here and why now?"

"The truth Walter? Okay." she answered. "I thought it was time for us to get out and have some non-section fun. Yes, I know, not exactly Section dictum but things have been way too tense around One the last little while. Especially between Paul and Nikita. We need to get that resolved before it escalates into something that no one can stop. Despite what others may think, I do think Nikita makes a good operative. A little too much compassion at times, but, that isn't always a bad thing. She has her own way of doing things and Paul just can't see past the fact that she bends the rules a bit to suit her. I am hoping that during the course of this week, that he will see that maybe, just maybe, it's okay to bend the rules a bit."

"Thanks for being honest with me Madeline." commented Walter. "Okay, let's get this show on the road and kick some butt!!!"

Madeline laughed. Walter was just as much a kid and as competitive too. "Walter, don't say anything to anyone else. I also want to see how Michael and Birkoff do in certain scenarios. There has been some past incidents that need to be cleared up between those two as well. And as to why I picked you? You know how to have a good time!!"

"Well then what are you waiting for?" he laughed as he charged towards the trees with Madeline trying to keep pace.


Part 5/End

The excercise was deemed a success by Madeline. When they all trudged back into the yard in front of the house, not one of them had escaped getting hit with a paint pellet. This hadn't been the normal way of playing in that once shot you were out. In this case the "hits" were tallied and Nikita and Operations were the ones that were declared the winners. Operations had the most of the two of them and that had only been because of Nikita's quick thinking. Even he was smiling when Madeline announced the winning team.

"So. Now that we have the first 'game' done, how about we all pitch in to make lunch." Madeline suggested. "Let's get cleaned up and meet back here in 10."

Birkoff, who was absolutely covered in paint splatters was the first to dash off to his room. He had fun even if he had been on the losing team. He had never 'played' much in his youth as he had always been cooped up in his room with his ever trustworthy computer. Michael had been a good sport about the two of them losing. He had even shown Birkoff some surveillance techniques that didn't involve using a computer.

Soon they were all assembled again once lunch had been dealt with.

The afternoon was spent in a relaxed atmosphere as it was basically wasted in the pursuit of lawn bowling and horseshoes. Birkoff who had never played either game came out the winner in the lawn bowling, while Walter showed what a pro he was at horseshoes. Operations managed to skin his knees as he slipped in the grass while attempting to throw the ball at the pins. He was a sight to behold as for the first time ever he had donned a pair of shorts that Madeline had bought for him. When Nikita and Michael first noted his entrance in them at lunch they had a hard time controlling their laughter. Walter on the other hand had no compunction whatsoever to show that he was quite amused.

"Not a word Walter." Ops cautioned. "I mean it. This was NOT my idea, but it seems that my other clothes have disappeared!!"

"Oh but you look so cute in shorts." Nikita teased. She had been surprised that she and Operations had actually worked so well in the morning.

"I agree with Nikita, Paul." Madeline joined in. "In fact I would go so far as to say your legs are quite sexy."

Michael and Birkoff looked at each other and silently shook their heads. They couldn't believe the topic of conversation. It was hard to believe that a few short hours could change the way they all behaved. Michael still wasn't clear on why this week was happening.


After having fallen into a deep sleep after an exhausting day, they were all up at the crack of dawn, awaiting to see what Madeline had in store for them on this new day. Michael had made waffles for breakfast and they were all on their second cup of coffee when Madeline told them of her plans.

"Today, we are going on a survivalist trip. The point of this excercise is trust. We will use the same teams as yesterday and then tomorrow we will switch. The course we will be running is a few miles from here and we will hike along the river to get there."

By the time the group got to their destination they were tired and thirsty. After a brief break, Madeline gave them their starting points. "Michael, you and Birkoff will start at the middle and work your way around. That is the swing bridge." Madeline said. "Nikita, you and Operations will start here. Walter and I will wait until you get part way through and then we'll start."

The morning moved quickly enough with only one minor incident, although to hear Operations tell it, you would have thought otherwise. He had been rappelling across one of the ropes when his equipment came off the line. If it hadn't been for Nikita's quick reflexes he would have fallen to the ground. Not that it was that far a fall but he would have had some nasty bruises to go along with the skinned knees. He was a bit resentful that Nikita had saved is backside once again, but he was a bit thankful at the same time. Birkoff again surprised everyone at his agility over the course. Walter. Walter cheated. Granted he wasn't as young as he used to be and he kinda took a few shortcuts. All Maddy did was shake her head at him and then follow his course.

Again the afternoon wasn't quite as strenuous as the morning. A hike back and then tennis and croquet. Paul of course thought these nonsense but went along with Maddy. When he won at both, he was more than smug. He showed these younger ones that he was still a worthy adversary.

Again they fell into their beds that night exhausted and slept the sleep of the dead.


The week flew by faster than any one of them would have thought. They found out what a wonderful cook Roy was and once they got used to the idea of helping out in the kitchen had an enjoyable time. They had two days left of their week away. They all looked healthier than when they had arrived. Especially Birkoff. For the first time in years he had lost the pallor of Section and had color in his cheeks. He seemed the happiest of all of them as they sat around after dinner. For the first time in his short life he had not once opened his laptop computer for 3 days straight. Nikita had congratulated him on this and gave him a hug.

Madeline looked at those around her. She herself had found this to be a relaxing week even if the first day had been fraught with tension. Tomorrow would be a test of sorts. Tomorrow, they would each pick their own teams to work with for the day. They had all worked with one another on different teams all week long. If things went as she hoped she would be happy and satisfied that this week had been successful.


"This morning I want you to pick your own team that you would like to work with for the day. I am going to give you each a piece of paper and I want you to write down your first and second choice." Once this was done she opened each one and as she read through them her smile grew larger.

"I am very pleased with your choices." she informed them. "Some were not what I would have expected," she glanced to Michael and Nikita, "but I approve. You all have your first choices."

When Paul moved over to Nikita's side she was not surprised. Over the week they had worked together and she realized that he wasn't always the ogre he tried to pretend that he was. They had gotten along amicably. He on the other hand was surprised that Nikita had picked him over Michael. He had to admit, begrudgingly, that she did have her good points and he conceded that at times, compassion was a good thing. It brought to mind the mission that they had gone on a while back at the art gallery.

Birkoff and Walter were an evenly matched pair. They worked well together and trusted one another. If anyone was a father to Birkoff, it was Walter. And it worked the other way around too. For Walter, Birkoff was just like a son. And as much as he flirted with Nikita, he thought more of her as a daughter than a paramour. She was aware of that but played along anyway. It made them both seem more 'normal' if that term could be used in Section.

Michael had at first been wary of the weeks activities, it had reminded him that life wasn't always missions. He had come to respect Madeline a little bit more this week although he would always be on his guard. He had picked her as his first choice over Nikita because he was aware of who might have picked her as first.

None of them knew what the day's activities would include and they were curious to see what Madeline had chosen for today. It wasn't long and they found out. Taking off the cover of the box beside her, Madeline passed out Super Soakers!!!

As she was the one handing them out, she didn't have chance to defend herself when they all ganged up on her and pelted her with streams of water. In no time at all she was soaked to the skin. They paired off then into their groups but Madeline got them all back. As they were putting their toys away after their competition, she had gone over to the side of the house and grabbed the hose. Keeping it behind her as she walked up to the group she quickly pulled it around front of her and squeezed the trigger. Soon there was a free for all as they surrounded her and wrestled the hose away. Had anyone from Section seen this they would have thought they were hallucinating.


The trip back to Section was a much different one from the one on the way out. Madeline smiled smugly to herself glad that the week had gone more or less as planned. She didn't kid herself though. She knew that all this would disappear within a day or two of getting back, but she felt overall that it had been successful.

As they came through van access, and entered the corridors of Section One once again, they knew the fun was over. Or was it??

As they entered the Comm area, Walter gave a signal to Michael, Nikita and Birkoff and within seconds had mini super soakers in their hands and began spraying everyone in sight, including Madeline and Operations.

While the other operatives stood there with their mouths hanging open in surprise and astonishment, they waited to see what Maddy and Ops would do. But Madeline being Madeline had forseen a prank such as this and quickly threw a water gun at Ops as she opened fire herself with her own that she had hidden away.

Just then the klaxons started going off. There was a breach somewhere in Section...

The vacation was over.

the End

This story ©Copyright, Northstar 1999


Alphabetical Listings