By ......Trace

As Lynn pulled into the small parking spot, she turned off the ignition, and opened the drivers side door. Swinging her legs around, she stood and straightened up, stretching and arching her back. She had been traveling for over ten hours, and her body was beginning to give her grief. She knew that so much sitting, for such a long time, would eventually catch up with her, but she didn't mind. She had two weeks off from work, and she planned on taking full advantage of it.

Turning, and leaning back into the car, Lynn removed her keys from the ignition, and made sure that her doors were locked. She then stepped back, and swung the door closed on her Taurus. Looking around, she scanned up and down the beach.

It was late in the season, and most of the tourists had already come and gone. But that was okay with Lynn. She dealt with big crowds in her business, day in and day out, and a little peace and quiet would suit her just fine right now. Besides, it wouldn't be quiet for very long. Lynn was supposed to meet Tina and Ann, and when the three of them got together, anything could happen, and usually did.

Deciding that she would rather go barefoot, Lynn leaned over, and took her shoes off. Then, walking towards the sandy shore of the beach, she stepped over the concrete curb. As her foot came to rest on the sand, she smiled. She had never been to the beach in her life, and the feel of the sand between her toes gave her a sort of giddy, childish feeling. Laughing, and swinging her arms, she walked towards the waterline.

Stopping a few feet from the surf, she looked out over the ocean. The sun was hanging close to the horizon, and the colors were absolutely breathtaking. Staring at the sunset, Lynn didn't notice she had company, until he spoke.

"Takes your breath away doesn't it?" he asked.

Lynn jumped, startled and apprehensive, and turned to look at him. When she did, he was not even looking at her. He was watching the sunset, the orange and red majesty of the colors playing across his face. Lynn took a moment to study the stranger, and could not help but think how handsome he was. There was really nothing spectacular or unordinary about his appearance, yet when she looked at him, she had the feeling that she had known him all her life. Thinking to herself that she would like to get to know him better, she reached her hand out in his direction.

"Hi," she began, "my name is Lynn." The stranger turned his attention back to Lynn, and looking down at her preffered hand, smiled. Then, taking her hand into his, and with a firm grip, shaking it slightly, he looked back up. When he did, and they made eye contact, Lynn felt herself blush, and she had to look away. Then, releasing the strangers hand, Lynn turned back around, and enjoyed the sunset.

After a few moments, the stranger decided to set down, and he asked Lynn to join him. "So, are you here on business, or pleasure?" he asked, with a slightly sly and seductive smile. Lynn giggled nervously, and shook her head.

"Well, I'm definitely not here on business. And I am never against a little pleasure." Lynn had said the words, with a slightly playful tone, before she even realized she had done it. Once the words were out of her mouth, she realized how they had sounded, by way of the reaction that she read in the strangers face.

Trying to think of a way to smooth things over, she decided to change the subject. "Do you live around here?" she ventured. Her plan worked, because the stranger answered, and his expression had changed back a look of casualness.

"No, I don't," he replied. "I live in Canada, but I am on vacation, and had heard about the East Coast beaches, and decided to find out for myself."

Lynn smiled, and listened intently, as the stranger continued to tell her about himself. It turned out that he was an actor, on a television show named LA FEMME NIKITA. Lynn stored that little tidbit of information in the back of her mind, telling herself that she needed to check the next episode out. He then proceeded to tell her about his family, and growing up, and how he got into the acting business.

As they continued to talk, they did not realize that it was starting to turn from dusk, rapidly into night. "I am so sorry," the stranger said, "here I have monopolized all of your time, and you have missed the rest of the sunset." Lynn just smiled, and looked at the stranger.

"No, I have really enjoyed talking with you," she said. This time it was the strangers turn to smile shyly, and look away. When he looked back at her, Lynn felt a sudden rush of warmth spread through her.

"I guess this is a little forward of me," he started, "but I was wondering if..." Before he could finish, Lynn heard someone calling to her.

She turned, and looking, saw the source of the call. Standing in the parking lot, next to her Taurus, were Tina and Ann. Ann was jumping up and down, waving her arm, trying to get Lynn's attention. Lynn raised her arm, signalling that she knew they were there, and smiled. She then turned her attention back to the stranger.

"You were saying," she smiled brightly.

The stranger only chuckled softly, and began to stand up. The smile disappeared from Lynn's face, and was replaced by a look of disappointment. Standing, the stranger brushed off his pants, and reached his hand out, offering a helping hand to Lynn. As she took hold of the offered hand, she stood, and brushed herself off as well. They stood, in awkward silence, and then Ann called to Lynn again.

"Come on Lynn," she yelled. Lynn waved to Ann and Tina once again, then looked to the stranger.

"I hope we meet again, Lynn," the stranger said.

"I would like that very much," Lynn replied, smiling again.

"Then, we will have to make sure that we do," he said, with a slightly playful tone. The stranger turned to walk away, when Lynn realized she didn't even know where the stranger was staying. As she started to call out, and ask him, Tina and Ann came running up to her, and started talking.

"You would not believe what hell I have been through," Tina said, slightly irritated and out of breath.

Ann turned, and placing her hands on her hips, took a decisively defensive stance. "Well, I didn't ask you to ride with me. You could have rode down here with Lynn. No one hog- tied you and forced you into the car."

As Lynn turned from her two dear friends, she looked up and down the beach. To her dismay, the stranger was gone. Feeling a tinge of regret, she decided that she would just have to go on. Then, turning back to the fussing Ann and Tina, she stopped them, and made a suggestion.

"How about we go to our hotel, get some rest, then we can discuss this later." Tina and Ann looked to one another, and shrugging their shoulders in agreement, looked back to Lynn.

"Good, then lets go," Lynn said, and the three friends walked across the beach, and back to the parking lot. When they got to their cars, Tina walked up to the passenger side of Lynn's Taurus, and placed her hand on the door.

"And what do you think you are doing?" Ann questioned Tina. "I am making sure that I make it to the hotel in one piece," Tina replied.

Ann, huffing and puffing, walked off across the parking lot, muttering under her breath. Lynn just nodded her head, and opening her drivers side door, pressed the lock release.

Tina opened the door, and slid into the seat. As she did, Lynn saw Ann pulling out of the parking lot, squealing her tires in the process. Shaking her head, and laughing, Lynn turned back to the beach, and smiled a sad smile. She couldn't help but think how much life was like this beach. The way in which, like the surf, people came into our lives.

We would meet, talk, love, fight, enjoy, and hurt each other. Then, like the surf, the same people would be taken away from us. It was kinda like tonight, and the stranger she had met. He came into her life, she enjoyed his company, and like the surf heading out to sea, he was gone.

"Hey, uh Lynn, are we gonna try to get to the hotel before our vacation is over?" Tina asked, bringing Lynn out of her reverie. Lynn turned from looking at the beach, and looked at Tina.

"Sure thing! And one hell of a vacation we are going to have, right?"

"Right!" Tina chimed in. With that, Lynn slid into the drivers seat, and started the car. Placing her favorite Savage Garden tape into the tape deck, Lynn turned the volume up full blast. As she pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the main road, Lynn and Tina, the two most tone deaf people on Gods green earth, sang along with the music, totally butchering it in the process.


Standing in her gift shop, listening to two older woman argue over what color their respective families had their living rooms decorated in, Lynn leaned over and placed her elbow on the counter. Then, resting her chin in the palm of her hand, she sighed. She had only been home from her vacation for a little over a week, but it felt as if she had not even had a vacation at all.

After a few moments, the arguing woman exited the shop, and hadn't even bought a thing. Thinking to herself 'that just figures' Lynn went back to unpacking he recent shipment of candles. As she did, the door opened in the front of the store, and the little bell rang in greeting.

Turning from her pricing, Lynn came face to face with a very large bouquet of roses. The delivery boy had sat them down on the counter. After signing for them, and giving the young man a tip, Lynn was once again left alone in the shop.

Leaning over, and inhaling deeply, the wonderful aroma from the roses gave Lynn a slightly heady feeling. Wondering who in the world would have sent such a beautiful gift to her, Lynn looked for the card. When she found it, she ran her finger long the flap, and opened it. Opening it, she removed the small card, and began to read...

I was hoping that you had a enjoyable and pleasure filled vacation, and made lasting memories. I hope to see you and talk to you again sometime soon. Matthew

Lynn smiled to herself, thinking 'so, that was his name'. Placing the note back into the envelope, and placing it back into the pick holder, Lynn took out one single rose, and looked at it. As she did, the phone rang. Walking over, and picking it up, she greeted the caller in her most professional tone.

"This is Lynn speaking, how may I help you?"

The voice on the other end of the line responded with a slightly seductive tone. "Did you like your roses, Lynn?" Lynn smiled.

"Yes, they were lovely... Matthew." she replied.

"I am glad."

There was a slight pause in the conversation. "I was wondering if maybe we could get together, and spend more time together," he asked.

At that moment, the bell on the door rang, as another customer entered the store. With her back still turned to the front of the store, Lynn greeted the customer, then spoke.

"I would like that very much. When could we have this time together?" she asked.

"How about now," Matthew said. Only, it did not come from the phone,it came from directly behind Lynn. Turning, she smiled when she found Matthew standing directly behind her. "How about we start with lunch, and see how it goes from there?" he asked.

Lynn smiled brightly, and Matthew smiled as well.

.....The End!!


Alphabetical Index

This story © Copyright 1998, Trace
Used by permission