
by Aly

Nikita was sitting at the mission briefing table nervously. *Why had she been called in? Why was there no one else here?* The questions tumbled over and over in her mind. She was clearly surprised to hear Michael's voice on her phone calling her in as he had been pulled as her mentor several months ago.And where was he now?

From the distance she heard the sharp click of heels approaching as the man came closer. She steeled herself to not swivel around in the chair to see who it was.

Operations came to a halt before her and removed his glasses. Curling his lips in a semi-smile, he waited until she lifted her eyes to his. "Good morning Nikita." He almost spat the words at her. "I guess you are wondering why you have been called in." He moved to the front of the table and pressed his remote button bringing the virtual screen to life. There pictured on it was a most unsavory looking man.

She studied him and waited for Operations to continue this unusual briefing.

"This is Bernardo Vega. He is a drug smuggler and he also runs a white slavery ring. " ....*white slavery ring...* just hearing the words halted Nikita's mind from proccessing any further information. It made her think back to Chandler and that whole mission and she didn't want to ever think of that again... ever.

Lifting her eyes to the screen once again she steeled herself for the final pronouncement. "Your part in this mission will be to lure Mr. Vega out. He is partial to young blonde women... especially if they are... married." Operations waited for the full impact of these words to sink in on Nikita. He knew what she would immediately assume. He smiled in his sinister wayand waited.

*Married... married...* Nikita heard the word tumble over and over in her brain. *That would mean that she and Michael would be teamed up for this mission*. She looked up at Operations and felt a chill run up her spine at the look in his eyes.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching from behind her once again. This time, she rose and turned towards the other operative slowly. When the shock and recognition registered in her face, she turned back and Operations said, "Nikita. You remember Mark O'Brien, don't you?"

Nikita saw her world spin before her eyes and she clung to the edge of the table tightly. Mark moved to assist her as he could see her distress. He had been in training for the past 18 months and this was to be his *trial* run so-to-speak. Nikita turned to look at him and smiled weakly and lowered herself back into her chair. Mark pulled the chair out beside her and sat down as well.

The two operatives turned their attention back to Operations as he explained the profile of the mission. Michael stood behind them in the corridor, waiting for Operations to call him in. He was to be in charge of this mission, and he was not quite sure how he would be able to distance himself... this time.


Nikita heard Operations' voice drone on and on. *Married... married.... but not with Michael... * Nikita was having a hard time coming to terms with this mission profile. She stole a quick side peek at Mark O'Brien and found him staring at his interlaced fingers before him on the table. Feeling her eyes upon him, he shot a curious glance her way and she quickly diverted her eyes.

".... Michael will be directing this mission as he has been in contact with Mr. Vega before. Michael..." Operations waited for the Class 5 operative to join them and pick up the briefing.

Michael moved to stand beside Operations and he picked a point above and to the right of Nikita to fix his stare and he started to describe the profile he had outlined.


Twenty-four hours later, Nikita and Mark sat side by side in the fancy stretch limo and rode in a tense silence. They were headed to Miami for their *Second Honeymoon* and all the groundwork had been laid. They were posing as a prominent businessman and his *trophey* wife.

O'Brien, having been in law enforcement prior to his coming to the Section, was well versed in the acts of undercover work. Only... none of his work had ever actually taken place under the literal *covers*. He was fully aware that in Section One no precautions were taken and all missions were to be executed to the fullest capabilities of the team involved. No excuses.

He looked over to where NIkita sat practically glued to the door in her attempt to stay as far away from him as possible. Knowing the importance of their chemistry, their connection so-to-speak, he inched his way across the seat to sit beside her.

He was close enough for her to feel the heat of his skin through her thin silk dress and Nikita shivered involuntarily.

*It had been a long time....* She tried in vain to still the emotions that rose up to the surface. She remembered when she first encountered Mark O'Brien and felt a slight twinge of guilt at her part in ruining his life. Turning to meet his questioning look, she smiled hesitantly and opened her mouth to speak.

Her comm unit crackled to life in her ear and Michael's voice came over: "Two minutes to the hotel. Get ready."

Nikita was still wondering why Michael was working this mission from the outside. She was truly puzzled at his ability to remain impassive even though he knew how this mission would have to be played out. They would be cruising the clubs and making themselves known to the party crowd in order to attract Vega's attention.

She sat back in silence as the car continued on its way to their hotel. Mark just watched her... and waited. He knew what was coming.


Michael paced the confines of the small outpost office they had set up for him in the basement of the hotel. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully and tried to keep focused on the mission. He was unable to take an active role in the mission as he had had a run-in with Bernardo Vega before... and he would be recognized.

That did not lessen the impact of what Nikita was about to be going through... and doing for this mission. He was straining to hear what was going on inside that limo and he was making himself crazy by letting his imagination run wild. He did not like Mark O'Brien. Not now... not ever. He had been selected by Operations for this mission. Michael had had other plans. It was now a moot point.

Hearing the door of the limo open and Mark and Nikita exchange mild pleasantries with the doorman, Michael resumed his position at the computer to track their progress. He would be able to see them once they entered their room.

The very thought of that room and its large bed made his mouth go dry.


Nikita and O'Brien had passed four very tense days in the hotel and out among the party crowd. The two managed to play off of each other's tension and transformed into fun loving thrill seekers when out in the public eye.Michael had been keeping up contact with the Section and was becoming quite impatient with the entire mission. It had never taken Vega this long before to make himself known to his *mark*. He knew that Vega was a regular customer at the night spot where Nikita and O'Brien had been spending their evenings.Vega must have smelled a rat.

Nikita and O'Brien were dancing to a slower tune when the comm unit in Nikita's ear snapped to life. "Nikita... you and O'Brien need to head back to the hotel. Vega is not buying into this." Michael didn't know if he were relieved or defeated. He just wanted an end to this mission. It was almost closing time on this the fourth night out and the place was practically deserted.

Nikita didn't move. She kept swaying with Mark to the music and answered under her breath, "Michael... maybe we have not been *bad* enough to warrant his... attention." Mark pulled back from her to look at her once he heard this. Michael, on the other end of the comm unit, stood up abruptly and knocked his chair back. He knew what Nikita was thinking. "Nikita.... No."

Nikita reached up and ran her finger suggestively across Mark's lower lip. Keeping her eyes trained on his, she continued to stroke his back in a hypnotic way. O'Brien could feel himself reacting to her touch and tried to steel himself with the reminder that this was all a job...only a job.

He pulled his eyes from hers before he was lost in their depths. He quickly scanned the shadowy back tables looking for the elusive Vega. Passing a corner table and moving along to the next, he felt his eyes pulled back involuntarily. He had seen something... a movement in the shadows. The quick blaze from a lighter confirmed his suspicions. Vega was definitely here tonight.

Turning back to Nikita, he smiled and with a quick nod of his head, they were in instant sync with each other. He reached up and grabbed a handful of her long blonde hair and pulled her face closer to his. Just before claiming her lips in a bruising kiss, he hissed beneath his breath, "Okay Michael. Just like I was trained... for the good of Section."

Pulling Nikita roughly to him, he startled himself with the intensity of his emotions in having her so close to him, their bodies crushed so close together it was hard to determine where one started and the other ended. Moving with her towards the corner, he kept one hand in her hair controlling her, and the other on her lower back, pressing her closer still.

Nikita felt the rush of blood to her head and thought she would pass out from the exquisite torture of Mark and his demanding presence. As she let herself be pulled into the corner, he slammed back against the wall and pulled her around with him. Kissing her deeply and passionately, he moved his hand down her body to grab the hem of her skirt and was about to inch it upwards. Nikita pulled back and saw the storm of emotions raging across O'Brien's face like a hurricane.

He was having trouble keeping himself focused on the mission. She took control of the situation and reversed their positions. With all her strength, she moved him into the corner and grabbed his shirt at the collar, knowing that they were being watched by Vega even still. She pulled him to her and bit his lip. She moved back from him slowly so that she could look into his eyes. The storm was still raging within him but she saw lucidity return and he nodded his understanding. Too late.

Nikita was pulled from him roughly and the last thing he remembered before the butt of the gun was brought down hard against his temple was the face of Bernardo Vega.


Mark came to slowly and painfully. He opened his eyes and tried to focus his bleary pupils. Running his hand across his face he let out a small groan when his fingers brushed the bruised temple where the gun had knocked him unconscious.

Pulling himself upright, he realized that he was still on the floor of the bar and he looked around for Nikita. He turned towards the corner table where Vega had been, only to find it vacated.

"What did you expect?" the words were spat at him from the shadows.

"She is gone. He took her."

Turning towards the voice, O'Brien stood to his feet and blinked his eyes to clear them. Michael stepped from the shadows holding a gun trained on Mark. Mark shifted his eyes from Michael's face to the gun and back again. "So Michael. What are you going to do, kill me? Go ahead. I'm dead already." With the disgust clearly evident in his voice, Mark turned his back to Michael and moved towards the door.

Michael blocked his way. As the two men stared each other down, neither would give an inch. Finally, Michael returned the gun to its holster under his coat, and turned to make his exit. Pulling a small device from his pocket, he spoke, "Birkoff. Is it tracking?"

Birkoff replied into Michael's comm unit, "Yes Michael. They are not out of the perimeter yet. He must have taken her to a holding facility of some sort. They are to the west, approximately 4.2 miles from you."

Michael turned to see if Mark was following, which he was. Once they gained the security of the large black Suburban, Michael started the engine and moved away from the curb. Mark sat in the seat trying to re-play the sequence of events in his mind. How could he have let himself become so distracted by Nikita? How had he let her beauty and desirability completely overwhelm him like that? He had been out on undercover assignments before while on the police force, and had never lost control of a situation so completely.

But that was before he knew Nikita.

Michael drove the distance in angry silence trying to blank his mind to the fact that they might not make it to Nikita in time to save her from this slaver. She was a very desirable subject and would bring a high price. He cut his eyes over to O'Brien and found the other man watching him speculatively. "What is it O'Brien?" Michael asked impatiently.

Mark chose his words carefully. "Michael, how did you get to the club so quickly? The hotel is at least twenty minutes away in good traffic. What gives?"

Michael pulled the vehicle to the curb as they had finally reached their destination. Turning towards Mark with his best blank stare on his face, he answered in a monotone. "I was already en route. I was monitoring the situation and knew it was getting out of control. Looks like I was too late." Fixing O'Brien with a withering stare, Michael opened the door and made his exit. Mark soon followed and they moved towards the building, guns drawn and ready.


One Month Later...

Michael was sitting in his office staring at his screen blankly. He didn't hear the door as it opened to allow Nikita access to his office. He only noticed her finally when she took the seat before him and waited for the surveilance to be shut off. As Michael performed the needed action, he took note of the healthy glow of Nikita's skin, how her hair caught the minimal light here in his office and refracted it back to him, how her eyes seemed troubled, even though they had regained their luster once again.

The past three weeks had been a struggle for Nikita as she tried to regain her status. She had been given some mind-altering drugs by Vega in order to make her more submissive. They had caused minimal damage and she had finally been returned to full status and allowed on a mission just this week. She had performed perfectly and all had been reassured.

Turning back to her, he waited for her to speak. Without any hesitation, she voiced her question, "Michael... what happened to Mark? I have not seen him around... since... that night... "

Michael turned to look out of the window and noticed the new recruits across the hall in a small training room. None had captured his attention as Nikita had... before or after her arrival in Section. Choosing his words carefully he answered as best he could, "O'Brien failed his test. He did not perform per Section standards. He has been cancelled."

Turning his eyes back to hers, troubled blue skies met deep dark mysterious forest green, searching... probing... seeking... finding nothing.

Nikita paused a moment more before rising and moving to the door. Placing her hand on the latch, she turned and said over her shoulder, "What a shame. He would have been a great operative. I'll miss him." Without another word, she left the office and the door clicked softly behind her. Michael sat for a few moments digesting this cryptic comment before he punched a few keys on his keypad and brought up an image. Studying the figure closely, he made a few notes in the file.

Hopefully, Nikita would never find out that Mark O'Brien was still alive and well in the bowels of Section One.


This story ©Copyright Aly, 1999


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