Paradise Lost

By Nahla


*** PROLOGUE ***

Up for a bike ride?" Lance asked Sherry.

"You know it!" She replied enthusiastically.

"Bike ride?" Nahla asked.

"Gino, I'm assuming you rode?" asked Sherry.

"Of course."

"Good, let's go!"

"Someone want to clue me in here?" Nahla asked.

Sherry laughed. "You'll see once we get outside." She said, taking Nahla's hand and pulling her towards the front door.

It took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the bright sunshine after sitting in the darkened restaurant. "That's what I mean," Sher said, indicating the two motorcycles parked directly in front of them.

"Oh no, no way!" Nahla balked.

"Oh come on, it's fun! Don't tell me you're not up for a little adventure?" Sher teased.

"Adventure is one thing, this is something totally different!"

"Don't trust me, bella?' Gino asked, exiting the restaurant to stand beside her.

"No offence Gino, but I don't know you. And I definitely don't trust that!' Nahla replied, pointing to the bike.

"Well you two can stand here and argue all day, but we're heading out. Gino, be careful with my sister, no wrecking allowed!!" Sher called out as she swung a leg over the bike to settle in behind Lance.

"Sherry, I'm hurt! You know I've got a spotless record!"

Sherry just laughed in response.

"OK, that settles it, I'm not going!" Nahla declared.

"I was just joking Nahla, do you think I'd let you ride with him otherwise?"

"Well no offence Sher."

"See Sherry, see what you've gone and done!" Gino stated hotly.

"Me?? Little 'ol me??" Sherry replied, batting her eyelashes and laying on a think southern accent that made Gino laugh in response.

Nahla listened to the bantering between Sherry and Gino, and then looked at Lance. "They always like this?"

"I've been telling him for years he won't win, but he never listens."

"Here Nahla, I won't make you go, but I hope you'll change your mind." Sherry said, tossing Nahla her car keys. Nahla caught them as Lance and Sherry pulled away and headed up the road.

Gino seated himself on the bike, fastening on his helmet while Nahla stood on the curb, jangling the keys in her hand, debating what to do.


She looked up to see that Gino was holding out a second helmet for her. Stepping down off the curb, she hesitantly took it from him. He didn't miss the shake in her hand.

"Bella, look at me." He said, taking her hand in his. "I would never do anything to harm you, you know that right?"

Nahla met his gaze head on. Here was a man who had been watching out for her for over half her life, even though she hadn't known it at the time. Dare she trust him? Seeing nothing but honesty in his eyes, she let go of his hand to put the helmet on.

"Good girl," he said with a smile.

After he helped her fasten the chinstrap, she braced a hand on his shoulder for balance as she climbed on the back of the bike. Once seated, he started the engine. A little uneasy about wrapping her arms around a stranger, she settled for placing her hands against on his waist. He immediately took her hands and wrapped her arms firmly around his middle. The sound of his voice directly in her ear telling her to hang on tight startled her.

"Guess I should've warned you the helmets are equipped so we can talk." He told after they had travelled down the road a bit.

"Yeah, thanks." Nahla replied dryly, her cheek firmly pressed to Gino's back. She didn't dare move for fear of falling off the bike.

"You can relax, you won't fall off or cause me to wreck if you move." Gino said.

"Are you a mind reader or something?"

Gino laughed. "No, but if you clung to me any tighter you'd be inside my jacket."

Nahla was sure the heat must've been rolling off her face in waves. Taking a chance, she loosened her grip on his waist and sat back a little, lifting her head to look ahead.

They rode for several miles in silence. Nahla slowly became accustomed to the rhythms of the bike and eventually relaxed enough to begin to enjoy herself. Gino felt the change and smiled, but refrained from saying anything.

"So where are we going?" Nahla asked.

"To meet Uncle of course."

*** PART ONE ***

Gino about had to retract his earlier statement than any movement on Nahla's part would not cause him to crash. He teetered for only a split second before bringing the bike back under control, but it was enough for Nahla to lose what confidence she had in his riding abilities and resume her deathlike grip around his waist.

"It's all right Bella, I won't let you fall," he spoke through the headset.

"You better believe it, if I go down, you're coming with me!" Nahla retorted, fear making her slightly edgy.

Rather than get into a senseless argument, Gino let the comment slide.

"So do we have to go see him?" Nahla asked after they had ridden for a while.

"Don't you want to?"

"I don't know. It's an awful lot take in on such short notice. I just found out I have a sister, and now I've got this huge family. Coming from a small background ."

"I understand, but you've got nothing to fear. Uncle has been waiting for the time he could meet you face to face."

"Will you be there?" Nahla asked quietly, grateful that she was seated behind Gino and he couldn't see her blushing.

"If you . want me there." He answered, almost substituting need for want. Her softly whispered "I do" could've passed for a whisper on the wind.

Some time later, Gino pulled the bike off the main road, following what appeared to be an old gravel driveway. Nahla was beginning to wonder how far back they were going to go when they emerged into a clearing.

Some fifty-odd feet ahead, Sherry and Lance sat in the shade of a large tree. A third figure sat across from them but with their back to Nahla and Gino. Turning off the ignition, Gino dismounted first before helping Nahla.

Sherry stood first, walking over to greet Nahla while Gino went to say hello to his father. "I'm glad you came." She said, hugging her younger sister.

"Me too, I think."

"Don't worry, I think you'll really like Uncle. If it'll help, imagine Walter without his teenage hormones." Sherry said with a chuckle.

Nahla groaned. "I thought you said 'don't worry'."

"Oh lighten up, you'll be fine." Sherry said, taking Nahla by the arm and pulling her forward.

Nahla watched as a gentleman who appeared to be in his early 70's stood and turned to greet them.

"Nahla, may I present Mr.."

"Favore, she can call me Uncle just like everyone else in this family does!" He replied, taking Nahla by the shoulders and bussing each cheek with a kiss. "Welcome to the family, Signorina."

"Thank you." Nahla replied quietly.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, sensing her hesitation.

"Of course, I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed is all."

Uncle smiled. "Of course you are, perfectly understandable. But I trust that will ease in time." He then stepped back, his glance sweeping her from head to toe. "My but you are the image of your father. I was so sorry to hear of your loss, I only wish that I could've stepped in to help."

Nahla sighed. "It's ok."

"But this is a happy time, you're back with your family where you belong!" he exclaimed, gathering her close for an exuberant hug. Releasing her, he turned and made his way to his car. "Now, let's all adjourn to the house for a cocktail shall we?"

Late that evening, Nahla returned to her apartment to find a message on her machine. Walking into the kitchen after hitting play, she heard Jace's voice from the other room. "Nahla? Sweetie? Pick up if you're screening," then a pause as he apparently waited to see if she would pick up. "Ok, I guess you're out and about. I had a short break and just wanted to hear your voice. Love you."

Talk about warm fuzzies, Nahla loved it when he said things like that. Glancing at the clock, she figured he would be at work for a while yet. Grabbing her keys, she headed out. He had been working the late shift a lot lately, which tended to play havoc on trying to maintain a relationship, but she didn't mind the lost sleep if it meant spending time with him.

Jace was standing with his back to Nahla when she entered Medlab. Wrapping her arms about his waist from behind, she stretched up to kiss him softly when he turned his head. She was a little surprised when he withdrew from her embrace. "What's wrong?"

"Probably me." Interrupted a third voice. "Guess you couldn't see me while you were trying to shove your tongue down his throat."

Nahla turned her head to find a petite redhead standing in front of her. "I'm sorry, no, I didn't see you."

"No kidding," the woman retorted. "I'll talk with you later, Jace."

"Who was that?" Nahla asked as she followed Jace back into his office.

"Janet." He replied, propping a hip against the desk.

"Oh that tells me a lot."

"What more do you want to know?"

"For one, why she was so snippy with me when I've never met the woman? And number two, for that rude little comment about me trying to shove my tongue down your throat."

"You mean you didn't think about tr..."

"Don't even finish that sentence if you know what's good for you." Nahla interrupted, then turned to look out his office window. She flinched when he suddenly appeared beside her. He didn't say anything, but she could feel his gaze upon her.

"What?" She asked warily, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.

"You're looking an interesting shade of green tonight." He remarked with a sly grin.

"Green? I'm not feeling..." Nahla began before his meaning clicked. "I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are."

"You're high."

"Then why won't you look me in the eye?"

Nahla knew she should look at him, but she also knew he was right. And what was worse, he knew she knew and was looking to rub it in. "Well, maybe a little." she grumbled.

Jace chuckled and tried to wrap his arms about her, but what little good humor she had just flew the coop.

"Well I'm glad you're amused, but I've had it. I'm going home." She was stopped when two hands appeared on either side of her, preventing her from opening his office door. "Move, Jace."

She didn't get the movement she wanted. Instead of backing up so she could open the door, he moved in closer until she could feel his warm breath next to her ear. "Not until you tell me what's got you so riled."

"Like you don't know."

"But I want to hear it from you." He replied, leaning in to nuzzle her neck as one arm let go of the door to wrap about her waist and pull her close.

Nahla closed her eyes and willed herself not to lean into his embrace. "You said it yourself. I'm jealous."

"Good. Now tell me why."

She surprised him when she suddenly turned around, pressed her back to the door and used both hands against his chest to propel him backwards. "Because you've always got some little med tech fawning over you."


"So why are you still with me?"

Jace turned and raked his fingers through his hair. Moving to sit on the couch, he extended a hand towards Nahla. "Come here, please."

Nahla hesitated, cursing herself for letting her low self-esteem get the best of her. She knew it wasn't his fault if other women found him attractive. But she did wish that she were able to handle it better. Realizing that he was waiting, Nahla stepped away from the door to take his

He pulled her down to sit on his lap, but she didn't allow him to cuddle her. "I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"For what?"

"I shouldn't have asked you that."

"Well there's no taking it back, and I want to know what would make you say such a thing."

Nahla shrugged her shoulders. "I guess sometimes I find it hard to believe that you would choose me over some of them." She said softly.

"Don't you think that sometimes I feel the same way?" He asked, taking her chin in hand and making her meet his gaze.

"What do you mean?" She asked, clearly confused.

"I mean, why do you choose to be with me when you could have your pick out of any of the numerous guys fawning over you?"

"What other guys?"

"Oh come on, Nahla."


"You must have noticed some of the male operatives checking you out?"

Nahla shook her head in denial. "I don't! I swear I don't! Good grief Jace, most of the time I'm lucky to be paying enough attention not to walk into any inanimate objects blocking my way, let alone checking out people, male or female!"

Jace remained quiet for a moment. Women, at least many women he knew, were constantly on the lookout for any attention from the male persuasion.


Her voice shook him out of his reverie. "Who what?"

"Who have you seen checking me out?"

"You can't seriously expect me to answer that?!"

"You're right, nevermind, I don't want to know."

"So you think Janet is fawning over me?" Jace asked after a moment of silence past.

Nahla's head whipped around, "What?!"

Jace chuckled and held his hands up, palms facing Nahla. "I'm kidding! Just trying to lighten things up!"

"Oh haha, very funny!" Nahla said, smacking him in the arm. However the tension between them seemed to have passed.

"So why aren't you home in bed, it's late."

"I came home and listened to your message, thank you." She replied, leaning in to kiss him softly.

"For what?"

"For being you." Nahla answered, settling against his chest. His arms came up to wrap around her.