Novel Time Illusions....

Walking through the large wooden doors, and moving through the entry way, the quiet ambiance of the building enveloped and ensconced her. She had always loved coming here in her younger years, and even now it still brought a smile to her lips.

Moving quietly across the room, she caught sight of a small display on a table in the corner. Turning, she headed towards the display, her interest piqued. As she neared the table, an older lady, standing just off to the side, turned and smiled at her.

'Are you interested in participating this year?' the older woman asked.

'Participating?' she replied. The older woman then proceeded to hand her a small leaflet. And as she opened it, she read...

~~~Once again this year, your local library is having its Second Annual NOVEL TIME contest. We will be taking contributions up until January 26, 1999. If you think you would be interested, please check with one of the attendants. If you would like to read last years entries and winners, a special book has been made available. We hope to see your entries soon!!~~~

As she handed the small leaflet back to the older women, the older woman handed her a small book. The book was bound in faux black leather, and inscribed on the front, in silver block letters was the title COVERT ILLUSIONS: NOVEL TIME 1999.

'You may read the stories if you wish,' the older woman offered, then turned and headed to the circulation desk.

She took the book, and walking to the nearest rectangular, wooden table, placed her purse down. Sitting down in a chair, and pulling it up close, she proceeded to open the book.

~~~Inside, you will find the contributions of the members of the COVERT LOVERS mailing list. They have taken a few of their favorite childhood fairy tales, and placed a contemporary *twist* to them. The stories contained within are....

THE DREAM...... Sherry

Smiling, she turned the page, and began the first tale....

The Dream

1999 Illusions Index

Main Illusions Index