By Sylvia aka Sly


Sylvia sat in her seat on the plane thinking about being in Hawaii again. Even though this was a mission, she couldn't help but be a little excited about seeing the beautiful blue water of the Pacific Ocean. Curlly, Rita, Nabiki, Trace, Sherry and North were all in their seats mentally preparing for what, we didn't yet know. Operations had simply told us, that we would be briefed by Madeline when we got there.

There was much chatter among them as some had never been to the islands and were getting intel from the ones who had. As the miles were eaten up by one of Sections 747 jets, Sylvia envisioned the last trip she was on to Hawaii. Remembering what it was like getting off of the plane and the first thing that hit you was the aroma of the exotic flowers.

The first thing she was going to do when they landed was to get Plumaria leis for each of them. Some people preferred the ones of carnations but the Plumaria leis give off the sweetest scent and they keep you cool in the heat. Even though it is winter on most of the mainland, it's still summer in Hawaii.

Just then, they experienced a sudden drop in altitude. It was very jarring and a little bit scary. The pilot's voice come over the speakers to reassure them that they had hit an air pocket and not to worry. All was under control and the co-pilot would be doing a sight check to make sure nothing was damaged.

Recovered from the scare, Curlly asked "Why do you think Madeline is going to be in Hawaii with us?" And this started a round of speculation among the girls because Madeline almost never went out on a mission.

Nabiki told everyone "Nikita said that there is a big meeting and that everyone would be there."

Sherry, asked, "I wonder why they just didn't have it at Section?"

At this all the girls screamed, and North asked Sherry "why, don't you want to go to Hawaii?"

"Well, I don't see why they are schelping the whole group to Hawaii just for a meeting. It isn't exactly like Operations or George to take everyone to such a nice place just for a that." replied Sherry.

Nabiki said, "Operations, Madeline, George, Nikita and Michael were on another of Sections jets at this very moment. And that they should all arrive at about the same time."

Then Sylvia asked them all, "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Well yeah sure Sly, what is there and are you going to play flight attendant?" piped North.

"Yup I am" said Sylvia "we've got anything you could want in the bar here I noticed." Having fixed everyone what they wanted to drink Sylvia fixed herself a White Russian and went back to her seat.

They spent the rest of the trip talking about the things that have been going on at CLHQ and Section.


"Fasten your seat belts please, we're approaching Honolulu Airport and preparing to land" the pilot's voice said.

"All righty now girls, this is it." said Curlly.

All of them were a little nervous about what was up and so they were all quiet as the plane taxied to the terminal.

Inside, the first thing, Sylvia went to the Lei seller and purchased the Plumaria leis that she knew that they would all love.

"You're right Sly, these are fantastic." Said Rita.

"Yes, I knew you'd love them. I'm going to go over and rent us a car." said Sylvia

"There was a message at the car rental desk from Operations telling us to meet them at The Royal Hawaiian hotel." Sylvia told the girls when she got back from renting the car.

As they drove into Honolulu from the airport, they passed by many beautiful sights. Arriving at the hotel, the girls raved about it being a great big pink building surrounded by palm trees and various other foliage that they couldn't identify but appreciated for it's beauty.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm starving," North let them all know.

"There's a great place to eat at the hotel, it's called the Surf Room and it's almost right on the beach. And you can pick what you want and have as much as you want because it is a buffet." Sylvia told them.

After they got their room keys and stowed their baggage, they all went to the Surf Room to eat. Madeline, Ops, George, Michael and Nikita were already there at a table with plates full of food in front of them. They looked just like any other people in the world that might be on vacation in Hawaii.

Little did any of the other unsuspecting people around know that they were sharing the space with such ruthless members of the most secret anti-terrorist group on the planet.

Except one person sitting over in the shadows near the buffet.

Everyone ooohed and aaahed over the buffet. There were Hibiscus and other flowers in the ice surrounding the fruits and salads. "This is for me", North said, happy that she could stay on her diet and still eat really good food.

"Oh yes," Curlly said, "they have cheesecake, yum, yum, yum."

Operations came up to them and told them to come to his room for a meeting when they were through eating. He gave them the room number and left.

The person who was observing the group reported by comm unit to someone that they had all arrived.


Everyone was gathered around Madeline in Operations room waiting for her to begin the briefing. "As you all know, we are coming out of a pretty bad year for section one."

Sounds of agreement filled the room. Each person looking around and remembering the losses they sustained in some missions.

"This mission is very important to our future. Every one of us has to do exactly what I say in exactly the way I lay it out. Word from Oversight is that there is a new faction of terrorists that we have uncovered. Right George?"

"Yes Madeline, I'm afraid so." George replied.

"They call themselves "Better Than Mensa" and they are led by none other than our own ex op, Greg Hillenger. George and oversight thought they had him in their pockets but he fooled all of them too."

"Your mission is to go to their headquarters here on Oahu at PaliLookout and take them all completely out. Birkoff located their position a few days ago and will be in touch by comm unit."

"What is the goal of this group?" asked Michael.

"To take out all of the sections, they are far more dangerous than Red Cell or any other of the threats against us." said Operations, joining Madeline in the briefing.

All of the ops carefully read their briefings on their comm units and collected the things they would need to fulfill the mission. They gathered outside and set off each to the point to which they were assigned.

"So I still don't see why Madeline is here," Sylvia said to the others.

Over hearing this Operations said, "Every operative in section has to be involved in this so that we all know how important it is to work together for our survival. Even Davenport is already in place. He has been watching them and reporting to Birkoff, now let's go."


"You've really got to hand it to Hillenger to have picked this place for a headquarters. Look at that drop, we are going to have to use our climbing gear to get in there." said Sherry.

North said, "Right, Sherry, Nabiki and Curlly let's go." And they went off to rappel themselves into position.

The others all advanced on the unsuspecting group in the hut like building where they thought no one knew about them.

Just then they were fired upon and had to react quickly and make adjustments to the profile. "It looks like they were expecting us." said Nabiki.

"Did you people think we wouldn't be watching you?" they heard Hillenger call out.

"Did you think we wouldn't know that?" called out Madeline "We all came just for you Greg, this is your end and we are going to make sure none of you escape."

Just then the remaining ops swung down from their ropes and fired on the group in the hut. All ops converged into the fray and not one of the "Better Than Mensa" alliance remained alive. No hits were sustained by section ops. "Birkoff," Michael said into his comm unit, "we have succeeded."

"Roger that, Michael," said Birkoff

Arriving back at CLHQ they were met by Walter, and Birkoff who were very glad to see that nothing had happened to any of their friends.

"Where's Michael and Nikita?" Walter asked.

"They are having a bit of well deserved R&R in Hawaii." said Madeline

"Well, it's about time Michael and Sugar had some fun." Walter said.


This story ©copyright Sylvia, 2000

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Hawaii Index