TVGen Chat January 4, 1999

TVGEN: Welcome! Tonight's chat is with La Femme Nikita's Matthew Ferguson. Welcome, Matthew. Glad you could join us this evening.

Matthew Ferguson: Hi! And thanks for joining the chat!

widow1: How was your Christmas holiday, Matthew, did you get what you wanted? :)

Ferguson: Yes, I did. I got a wonderful telescope circa 1900 that my great father brought over from Scotland. That was the best gift by far that I got.

EAmado6: Matthew, are you as computer knowledgeable as Birkoff is?

Ferguson: No, nowhere near, but I'm trying to learn. I have a Mac Classic. And I've been thinking about upgrading for quite a while now. It crashed two months ago. But I replaced the hard drive because that was the easiest, since I was in the middle of working on something.

HAUSHINKA49_99: Matt, we are two girls from Spain. We love the series and we love you specially. We'd like to ask you about your age, your height and if you have e-mail — we'd like to get it.

Ferguson: I am 25. I am 5 foot 9 inches, 150 pounds. I do have e-mail, and I love Barcelona. I was in Barcelona at age 10, and I had a very thick lisp at the time. And when I heard how people talked in Barcelona, I thought I had found my real home.

PippyFoofenshnoof1: What is your favorite part about working on La Femme Nikita?

Ferguson: Getting paid, working with the other actors and having the chance to have a regular job where I can learn every week.

Nikita_of_Section: Matt, I was just wondering about a certain scene in "Looking for Michael." In Nikita's apartment there is a closeup of you touching Nikita's arm, to comfort her when she believes that Operations is trying to cancel her. Should we read anything into this, or was it just a simple act of friendship. Thanks! (Love you a lot... to me you are the hottest guy on the show!)

Ferguson: You can read into it whatever you like!

Chipander: Greetings from the Grand Canyon State! We know Birkoff has a sweet tooth, but what about you? Do you get to pick the snacks Birkoff eats while fighting for "Truth, Justice and the Anti-Terrorist Way"?

Ferguson: Yes, I have a sweet tooth too. I am right now eating dark Lindt bittersweet chocolate. I am fussier than Birkoff. He just goes for the sugar buzz, but I am a chocolate connoisseur.

ms_thang1_1999: What is your favorite movie?

Ferguson: That's a hard question. Well, Star Wars, Diva, The Godfather, those would be in the top three.

Mark__CPA: In my opinion, LFN is one of the rare cases where the TV show is far better than the film/book that inspired the show. Did you see the film(s) and what did you think of them?

Ferguson: Yes, I saw them both. I liked Luc Besson the best, and I thought Bridget Fonda did a great job in the Point of No Return. But the opening scene of the original movie in the drugstore as well as Victor, the Cleaner, just put that on my top 20 movies list.

Juliet1716: Matthew when you first met Peta what did you think of her. I already know what Roy thinks.

Ferguson: She scared me. I pronounced her name Petta, with a soft e, and as she was walking away, she barked at me, "My name is PEETA," and kept walking! But right away I knew that she was someone not to mess around with. Since then, we've become good friends. And I love working with her.

Darkness_89: What actors, if any, inspired you to be a movie star?

Ferguson: Tom McCamus, who you can see in Man In Uniform, is my stage and screen idol.

BrennaTygre: Matthew: How has the character of Birkoff evolved for you since Season 1?

Ferguson: He's grown up a little. He's taking a harder look at the agency he works for. And I think that has even caused him to have more fear for the Section.

timandra_: Matthew, what new developments can we expect from Birkoff in season three?

Ferguson: You'll have to stay tuned. But so far, we're seven episodes into the shooting, and I've been very busy.

L_Y_N_N_N_N_Y_L: If you were given the opportunity to portray any literary character, who would it be, and why?

Ferguson: It would be Homer from Cider House Rules, just a fantastic, well-rounded character who goes on a very circular journey, and I'm a huge John Irving fan.

la_femme_fanatic: Were you able to make any other movies during the LFN hiatus?

Ferguson: No.

Littlebittyprettyone13: What is your favorite acting part and what movie?

Ferguson: That I appeared in, I enjoyed playing Bilodeau in Lilies. He was so full of emotion and confused and slightly sinister, it was a challenge but a lot of fun. Well, I shouldn't say fun because it was a lot of hard work, but it was rewarding in the end.

ChibiMokona: Matthew, thanks for coming to this chat! Will there be any good Birkoff episodes this season? Possibly where Birkoff will get to show lots of emotion? Thanks.

Ferguson: We are seven episodes into it, and I've been featured in a couple. There's no huge mental breakdown scenes, but the writers have taken Birkoff to at least one new place.

KatiMoore: Matthew, if it comes to a showdown, will Birkoff side with Michael/Nikita or Ops/Madeline? Also which side would you choose?

Ferguson: I think not even Birkoff knows the answer to that question. He'd have to decide in the moment. And me personally, I'm glad I know it's fiction so I don't have to make the choice, because I wouldn't want to be in any of their bad books!

MidnightMoons: Do you know if we will see "Gail" back this season, or will Birkoff get a new love interest?

Ferguson: I don't know the answer to that.

KatLFN: Matthew, what influenced you to become an actor, and what aspirations do you have for the future?

Ferguson: I always enjoyed acting ever since I was in nursery school. And once I went to a school for the arts and studied, I grew to like it more. And I was already involved while in high school in professional theater productions, before I had a chance to second-guess my interests as a career move. And I hope to keep working until I am on my deathbed.

Reeeh: What is your favorite LFN scene and episode?

Ferguson: My favorite episode would be episode number 219 with Madeline's husband, I can't remember the title. And I think my favorite scene is the beginning of "Rescue," where they blow up the chemical factory.

angeljam: What aspects of personality and behavior have you contibuted to your character?

Ferguson: I can be slightly cynical like Birkoff. But I try not to be as paranoid.

doublerun2: Hi Matthew, What were your impressions of the October LFN convention?

Ferguson: I had a great time. I was glad Don was there with me because I floored by the response of the audience. I was grateful that there were so many people there, to know that they are that interested in the show and the work we do. And they all seemed like people who wanted to have a good time, and brought a good time with them.

zou_zou: Matthew, you seemed very suprised by the fan response at the convention. Was that your first experience with fans like that?

Ferguson: Definitely, with that many.

latika_2: What was the best advice anyone gave you about acting and life in general?

Ferguson: Just try and be honest.

MidnightMoons: What's the first big purchase you bought when you became a star?

Ferguson: A house. I bought a house in the neighborhood where I grew up after filming Lilies and returning from Italy, after filming The English Patient. It still sounds strange to hear someone say "when you became a star." I'm glad somebody thinks so!

Mark__CPA: I was very concerned about Alberta's health when we learned of her lymphoma. She looked good in the season premiere last night. How are she and the cast handling her medical issues? It simply wouldn't be the same without Alberta!

Ferguson: You're absolutely right, it wouldn't be the same without her. Thankfully, she's doing fantastically well. She is in full remission. And while she was in chemotherapy, and she still worked like a trooper, we all just tried to be there for her as much as possible.

TaraLJC: Having now seen Love and Human Remains and Eclipse, I was curious if you were planning on doing more indie film work? Your work was quite extraordinary in the latter, by the way.

Ferguson: I'd love to do more independent films. And hopefully this summer I'll have that opportunity. My agreement with Nikita is such that I can't really do other work while we are filming.

Cathy_Atkinson: Matthew, do you have a theory about how Birkoff got into Section at such a young age? He must have only been a teenager.

Ferguson: I don't know the answer, and maybe even the writers don't yet. But my theory has always been that he hacked into somewhere he wasn't supposed to, and he was given the ultimatum of, come work with us, or we fry your brain. And probably at the time, while scared, he was also thrilled with the hardware he'd be able to play with.

lfngal: Would you like to pursue other artistic forms? For example, writing, producing or directing.

Ferguson: I love acting. And I find plenty of challenges with that.

lynette_taylor: Do the cast members socialize off the set?

Ferguson: Yes. Often our work schedules prevent that but I'm reminded of Eugene coming to visit me during a winter snowstorm in which we watched "The Sixth Configuration" and drank sherry. It was quite a riot.

sadie_s3: Do you guys joke around a lot on the set?

Ferguson: We do joke around quite a bit when the work we're doing is more mundane. The nature of filming is such that we might have completed a tough part of the scene for the actors, and be waiting for something that is tricky for the technical department. And that's when we get a little goofy.

TaraLJC: Matthew, it was great seeing you at the convention. Any plans to work again with Swizzle Stick Theatre again soon? Or does Nikita keep you too busy?

Ferguson: Swizzle Stick Theater has branched off into two different companies. Right now I'm too busy to work with either. But I still have my stilts and I'll definitely make more appearances on them, either with the company or independently.

shynquiet98: If there was one actor you would like to see on LFN who would it be and why?

Ferguson: Christopher Walken. I've always admired him as an actor. He walks a fine line between terror and humor, which I think would be great for the show.

Mugri: What is the best Canadian film in your opinion?

Ferguson: There are so many great Canadian films. This week I'm viewing the five which are nominated for best film this year. Such a Long Journey is great. It's the only one I've seen so far of the five. Greatest Canadian movies of all time? Jesus of Montreal. The Shining, in a different genre. The Sweet Hereafter was great too. Those would be among my favorites.

glendagm: What kind of music do you like?

Ferguson: The Beatles. Nina Simone. The Tragically Hip. The Wailers. And all sorts.

KatLFN: When you're on hiatus how do you like to spend most of your time?

Ferguson: I'm a sports nut. I play hockey, soccer and golf. And tennis. I love going to see art. And last summer and this coming summer I'm part of a dragon boat crew.

TaraLJC: Hey Matthew. So, did you ever actually get your driving license?

Ferguson: Yes, I got it on December 17. After failing in October.

SaltyDog56: What country is Section based out of? It can't be in the USA - flights are too quick to reach European countries...

Ferguson: It's purposefully undisclosed.

spoiledrottenin1998: Where was the best vacation you ever took?

Ferguson: I've been lucky enough to go on many vacations. But as a kid, going to France and Spain with my family and one other close family provided some of my favorite memories. Since then I've had two great vacations, one in Tobago, and one in Italy.

Nikita_of_Section: Matt, I have heard that you and Roy are practicing French together around the set of LFN. Are there any funny mistakes that you have made in front of the French "master" that you would kindly share? Thanks a lot!

Ferguson: We don't practice as a formal thing. But being Canadian, in a bilingual country, I try to speak French occasionally. I can't think of any flubs I've made in front of Roy. He might tell you differently though!

ChibiMokona: Matthew, what advice would you give someone who's trying to pursue a career in acting? Thanks.

Ferguson: Study hard. Don't give up. And enjoy each part you get. And find something in each character to love. I'm astonished again at how many people have logged on, and I hope you enjoy season three! I think it's getting better all the time!

TVGEN: Thanks for chatting with us Matthew. Tune in tomorrow night at 8 pm eastern time for our chat with Peta Wilson.

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