Lazy Afternoon

By Tasamin

The low humming of insects and birds chirping were some of the easily identifiable sounds. There was also some water being splashed at the secluded pond. It was a body of water made for days of skipping school and basking in the forbidden freedom under a crystalline blue sky that forgives all sins and indiscretions.

She lay hidden in the tall grasses that surrounded the oasis. They were her fortress from prying eyes. Her legs dangled above the water while her feet skimmed in the surface relishing in the coolness the water provided. The lazy Friday afternoon sun kissed her body as she drifted in the twilight state between the arms of Morpheus and consciousness.

It was thoughts of a certain individual that would not allow her to completely release her tenuous grip on her consciousness. It had been a week since she had spent 2 glorious days and nights with Roy. Then he had to leave to work while she continued her Canadian vacation. Which only had 3 days left she wryly reminded herself. Pure madness is the thought that kept running through her head. Yet she reasoned it

was a lyrical madness for she delighted in dancing to its tune. She had never felt more alive and at the same time doubts lingered at the edges of her happiness. For how could anything permanent result from this, she thought?

A breeze gently passed by bestowing some respite from the sun. While she finally slipped into slumber finally tired of arguing with herself. There was the rumble of an engine nearby but that was quickly silenced and did not disturb her sleep. Yet she did awake when she felt something tugging at her feet. Yelping in surprise.

Suddenly she felt herself being pulled in and then it came she was surrounded by the crisp liquid. It quickly cooled her overheated body. Yet it was still an unplanned shock to the system. Sound was muffled as she kicked her way to the surface breaking free of the moisture cocoon towards the refracted sunshine. Once she broke the surface she bobbed in the water and looked for the responsible culprit. She did not have to look far.

Laughter bubbled out of his system. He was laughing so hard the droplets of water were falling from his body everywhere. There was the object of her fantasies, thoughts and gnawing worries. The sight of him was the thirst quencher after a week of his absence the site of him overloaded her senses. She had been in a desert and had not known it.

The sun provided a backdrop to the bare chested man standing in front of her. It outlined his body to perfection. Time slowed down in that moment, she could follow the path of a single droplet of water that caressed his chest as it trailed downwards. She could see every tiny inhalation and exhalation he made. Every hair on his head seemed lit by the sun. She was in awe.

Time resumed again and reality hit her and what he had done. She realized what kind of power this man held over her. "You think this is funny?" She sputtered indignantly trying to hide her reaction to him but somehow she knew it was not going to work. Her feelings for him were clearly visible on the surface.

He stopped laughing immediately and his face took on a boy like look of mischief and repentance, although the laughter could still be seen dancing in his lush green eyes. Meanwhile his eyes were examining her as if she were a precious painting. Not saying a word his eyes drifted down, focused and studied her.

Not knowing what to do under such intense scrutiny she spoke, "Well?"

Her voice startled him out of his examination. And he quickly looked in to her eyes and she forgave him. "Ah, yes. I was just making sure you were human and not a sorceress. For this past week has been torture without you."

With that declaration he pulled her close, taking his hand, he tenderly brushed her hair back away from her face. Her heart meanwhile had stopped from that stunning statement and jump started again with his touch. Her pulse tripped in a frenetic beat. All this from his hands. Hands that were moving again to rest on her shoulders as he leaned in to kiss her. At least that was what she thought he was going to do. Those bountiful lips first visited her forehead, then trailed down to bestow a kiss on both of her eyelids, one gentle kiss to the tip of her nose and finally the train of kisses pulled into the station at her lips.

Finally, when she thought that frustration would be the end of her. She felt the touch. The kiss chased away the doubts that had been hounding her. It was filled with such tenderness and longing it swept her under. Swimming in a sea of emotions she floated gladly.

His arms provided a harbor for her as he lifted her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around him. While he pushed them into the deeper water. Her feet could no longer fell the bottom. Her hands reached down to caress the hard planes of his back. They broke apart slowly and stared at each other. All she could hear was the blood rushing past her ears.

He softly whispered, "I am so glad you are not a dream."

She smiled tremulously, "Me too." Then she began to think and asked, "How did you find me?"

"The kind Madame Morile told me you decided to take a lazy afternoon."

"Ah." He continued their floating journey in the pond. The water surrounded them providing a greater intimacy. She was so happy to see him and she could not find the right words to convey this to him.

"She said you would be happy to see me. Are you?" He asked some uncertainty creeping into his voice.

It was incredible Roy had the same feelings of doubt that she had. She quickly looked up into those orbs and said, "I am more than happy to see you, Roy. I am lost in bliss." She raised her hand to reach out and cup his cheek. He turned and kissed her palm.

His eyes that were clouded by insecurities became clear. "Good because I have no intention of letting you go." Roy moved in to kiss her again with a passion that both of them needed to satisfy. There were no more words needed for now for the couple.

The End

This story ©copyright Rita, 2000