
Nikita was smiling broadly as she entered Section. She had just volunteered to help out with the local hospital's Halloween Party for the children's ward. She loved children, and seeing as she would most likely never have any of her own, she always tried to find a way to help local children's charities when possible. Madeline wasn't thrilled with the idea, but Nikita didn't care. She knew Madeline was just worried somebody would find out who she was. And just how she thought that would happen at a children's Halloween party was beyond Nikita.

She noticed Michael walking towards his office and turned to head him off.

"Hey Michael," she called.

Michael stopped and looked around Section, checking to see if they were being watched. He waited for her to catch up to him and then proceeded to his office. Once they were in his office, Michael turned off all surveillance. Michael looked up at Nikita and asked, "Was there something you needed?"

Nikita wasn't sure how to proceed. Michael didn't seem to be very receptive at this particular moment, but she decided to go ahead and ask him anyway. No time like the present.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me with ... uh... something?"

Michael was curious. It wasn't like Nikita to beat around the bush, and he wasn't aware of any missions or assignments that she was currently working on. "What is it, Nikita?" Michael finally asked.

"I volunteered to plan the Halloween party for the local hospital's children's ward. I was just wondering if you would like to help me."

Michael stared at Nikita for only a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity to her. Finally, he spoke. "No, I don't think so. Thank you for asking." But Nikita wasn't about to give up so easily. "Oh, come on, Michael. It'll be fun. Just some games and food for the children. They are so looking forward to it."

Michael was getting irritated. He had already answered her; however, he knew that Nikita was persistent when she wanted something. "I said no, Nikita. Now I have work to do."

Michael sat down and started typing into his computer. He noticed that Nikita was still standing in his office, not attempting to leave. Michael sighed. "Was there something else?" he finally asked.

"Well, Michael, I sort of already told the hospital that you would be helping me. You really can't back out now." Michael clenched his fists, but kept a tight rein on his temper.

"Nikita, you will just have to explain to them that I am busy. I can't be bothered with a Halloween party. There is too much work to be done here."

Nikita was getting her dander up now. She knew Michael was stubborn, but this was getting ridiculous. He was actually getting angry over a stupid Halloween party. "Well, Michael, I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I promised them you would help me with the party and that's what you're going to do. I've already gotten Walter to agree to help."

Michael looked up at her and replied "There. You and Walter can do it. You don't need me. Now I really have to get to work. Don't you have anything else to do?"

Nikita wasn't giving up. She had one last shot at it. "Michael, you know, you can be a real jerk sometimes. Yes, Walter and I could do it, but I said YOU would help me. I told them MY HUSBAND would help with the party. I just don't think Walter quite fits the bill."

Michael was stunned. Her husband? Great. What was next? Were they going to have make-believe children too?

"Nikita, you shouldn't have done that. What if we have to go out on a mission? What happens to your party then?"

Now Nikita was on safer ground now. "It won't happen Michael. I've already cleared it with Madeline. She's not thrilled about us interacting with the public, but she figured a couple of hours won't hurt. We won't be called in unless it is the most urgent of missions."

Michael was fidgeting. He didn't want any parts of this, even if he did get to pretend to be her husband for a few hours. That was the only up side to this whole thing. Nikita was studying Michael. Something was not right. Michael was getting a bit rattled. She couldn't understand why. She finally decided to ask him straight out.

"Michael, what's wrong? Why don't you want to help with this? You've helped me out before with these charity events and you've never seemed so hesitant. Why now?"

Michael stared at Nikita for the longest time. He didn't want to answer ... didn't want anyone to know. It made him seem so weak, even if it was a long, long time ago. But it had affected him as a child and it had always stayed with him.

Nikita could see he was holding back. "Michael, whatever it is you can tell me. You know you can trust me." Finally Michael relented.

"Fine. I'll tell you. When I was a boy, about five years old, our family had a Halloween party at my aunt's home. In her huge basement, actually. All the aunts, uncles and cousins were there dressed in costumes. I had been hanging out with my cousin and didn't really know exactly where my parents were. We were sitting near the door, just waiting for everyone to show up. It was dark, of course, waiting for everyone to arrive. Suddenly, a ghost came in through the door, wearing chains around his waist and shaking them, just like you hear in all the movies. Scared me to death. I didn't know where my parents were and there was a ghost coming after me. Or, at least, that's what I thought. I started crying, looking for my parents. My aunt finally found my dad and handed me over to him. Of course, it turned out that the ghost was really my uncle, but for a five year old it was a traumatic experience. Ever since then, I've hated Halloween. Oh sure, I dressed up and went trick-or-treating with my sister, but I really didn't enjoy it. I just don't do Halloween. That's it. Go ahead and laugh."

Nikita was not about to laugh. Michael had actually shared a piece of himself with her. A part, however small, that had helped to mold him into the person he was today. Even if it was only a childhood memory, it was something she would treasure. She actually felt for the little boy who was so frightened. It was hard to reconcile the Michael she knew today with that little boy, but on very rare occasions, usually when her life was in danger, she would glimpse that fear.

"Michael," she finally spoke. "I understand. I would never laugh at something like that. But we aren't going to have any scary ghosts or goblins at this party. Some of the children won't even be able to dress up. We're just going to give them a few hours of fun."

Michael finally gave up and said "Fine."

Nikita, Walter and Michael had agreed to meet at Nikita's place the next evening to plan the party. So far things were not going well. Aside from Michael's reluctance to have anything to do with Halloween, he just didn't seem to be in tune with kids. This was not going to be easy.

They were trying to plan the menu. Nikita and Walter wanted ice cream, cupcakes, candy corn, cider, hot chocolate ... all the stuff that makes a Halloween party great. Michael, on the other hand, had other ideas.

"Nikita, these children are in the hospital. I'm sure their doctors won't want them eating all that junk. How about ... I don't know, apple slices and carrot sticks, things like that?"

Walter groaned and Nikita rolled her eyes. "Michael, you can't be serious. This is Halloween! The poor kids won't be able to go trick-or-treating. The least we can do is give them some food to eat that they will enjoy!" Nikita just shook her head. Michael gave in.

"Fine. What else do we have to do?"

Walter laughed. "Hey Michael, do you think you could be anymore enthusiastic about this?" Nikita watched Michael and saw the tensing of his jaw. She decided it was time to step in.

"Walter, behave yourself. Leave Michael alone. He's here and he's helping."

"Yeah, okay, Sugar. I just hope he shows a little more enthusiasm at the party or the he'll sure bring the kids down."

Nikita knew she better change the subject fast,or Michael would be gone. She glanced at Walter and threw him a look that said "You better stop it right now, or else."

Walter nodded and decided to behave.

"Now. What about games? Any ideas?" Nikita had a few ideas but she wanted to see if Michael or Walter had any suggestions. They both sat there for a while and Michael finally said "No." Walter shook his head, but kept quiet. Nikita spoke again.

"Well, I was thinking about bobbing for apples. And maybe, I don't know, some spin on Pin the Tail on the Donkey. How about, Pin the Nose on the Witch." Walter smiled.

"Great idea, Sugar. I can probably rig up something that will light up for the nose. What do you say?" Nikita relaxed a little.

"I like it, Walter. What about you Michael?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm not too sure about the bobbing for apples, though. I mean, these kids are in the hospital. Are they going to be able to do it? And what if some can and some can't ... won't they feel left out?"

Nikita was surprised. She hadn't really thought about that. Michael seemed to be getting in touch with his sensitive side. He was actually quite thoughtful when he wanted to be. "You're right Michael. I didn't think of that. Well, any suggestions?"

Walter thought for a few seconds and said, "Yeah, I have one. Instead of bobbing for apples, why not rig up one of those kid's fishing poles and have them "fish" for "apples"

instead. We could just have small little toys in the tub rather than apples. That way, they should all be able to at least try it, get a little prize, and no one will have to worry about getting wet!"

Nikita jumped up and kissed Walter on the cheek. "Wonderful idea, Walter. You know, you are a real softie at heart!"

Walter pretended to get ruffled and said "Well, just don't let it get around. I have a reputation to uphold." Even Michael smiled at that.

"Next item. Our costumes. What should we go dressed as?"

Michael looked up. He was completely surprised. She hadn't said anything abou thaving to dress up.

"Nikita, we don't have to dress up. That's for the children."

Walter and Nikita both looked at Michael like he had grown two heads. "What do you mean, boy?" Walter asked. "Of course we're gonna dress up. You had better start getting into the spirit of things."

Nikita glanced at Michael and said "I'm sorry. I forgot to say anything sooner. But we do have to dress up. Everyone does. The doctors, nurses, orderlies ... everyone. Just not anything scary or disgusting."

Michael was sitting there wishing he had never agreed to this. No matter how much he cherished spending time with Nikita outside of Section, and how much he enjoyed the times he got to pretend to be her husband, enough was enough. He had to dress up enough and pretend to be other people for the Section. He didn't want to be bothered dressing up in some silly costume for a holiday he didn't even like! Nikita was talking, so Michael turned his attention back to her.

"It will have to be something that the kids will recognize. Something they are familiar with ..."

Michael was racking his brain trying to come up with something that wouldn't make him feel too silly. He finally spoke.

"How about we go as a cowboy and a cowgirl. They would recognize that." Nikita burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, Michael, but I don't think so. It's got to be something recent ... something they can connect with. I've got it! Michael and I will go as Jasmine and Aladdin. And Walter, you can go as the Genie!"

Michael was shaking his head. "No way, Nikita. I am not dressing up in one of those .... those ... with a ... a ... turban on my head. No way. Absolutely not." Nikita knew this was the hard part. She was going to have to convince him. She already had the costumes prepared. She just didn't tell them that ahead of time.

"Oh come on Michael. It will be fun. Please?" Michael was adamant. There was no way he was dressing up like some kid's show cartoon character. Even if it was one with a genie. Nikita saw that stubborn look come across Michael face. This was gonna be tougher than she thought.

"Okay Michael, if you won't do it for me, then do it for all those poor children. They will enjoy it so much." Michael still refused.

"No, Nikita. I'm sorry, but you will have to come upwith something else."

Walter decided to interject here. Nikita wasn't having any luck, so he thought he would try.

"Hey Michael. Just think a minute. Have you ever really noticed how Jasmine dresses? Now picture, Sugar here, wearing an outfit like that." Michael looked at the older man. It was an intriguing thought, but he still wasn't about to agree.

"No matter how beautiful Nikita would look, I don't think it's a good idea." Nikita decided to bring out the big guns.

"Okay Michael, listen up. We are wearing those costumes. And this is why. I've been "patient" like you asked me to. I've done everything Section's way ... well, for the most part ... I've saved your life on numerous occasions, I came back to this place for you ... You've lied to me, betrayed me, manipulated me, and I've always forgiven you. And, I did save Section from Adrian. I think you owe me at least this much."

Michael was stunned. How could she throw all that up in his face, especially with Walter sitting there taking it all in. Of course, she was right. He owed her that and so much more. Things couldn't be the way they wanted them to be, so he would do this for her. It was the least he could do. He looked up at her and said "Fine."

Nikita was getting anxious. She and Walter had been at the hospital for two hours now. With the help of some orderlies and nurses, they had everything ready. The children would be arriving any minute now. Nikita walked over to Walter.

"Well, I guess we better go get dressed. I hope Michael soon gets here. I can't believe Madeline called him in for a briefing right before we were to leave. He had better show up."

Walter chuckled. "If he knows what's good for him, Sugar, he'll be here. Now let's go get changed."

Walter got changed first. He was putting a few last touches on the nose when Nikita walked in the room. Walter stood up straight and stared.

"Wow Sugar. Are you sure you want to waste your time with Aladdin? How about spending it with a genie instead!" Nikita smiled and thanked Walter for the compliment.

"You don't look so bad yourself there, genie. Now could you please grant me one wish and make sure Michael gets here."

Walter saw that Nikita was getting worried. He hoped that Michael hadn't been sent out on a mission. If something happened to him, Nikita would be beside herself. Just then the children started to arrive. Even though most of them were very ill, they were laughing and smiling and generally seemed ready to have fun.

Nikita walked over and started talking to them and getting the games started. Walter watched from beside the refreshment table. She was so good with children. A shame she would never have any of her own. But children and Section just didn't mix. Even if they ever did allow her and Michael to marry, children just wouldn't be a part of the picture. A few of the nurses took over the games. Nikita walked over to Walter at the refreshment table. He handed her a cup of cider.

"You did good, Sugar. The children seem to be having a great time." The hospital administrator walked up to them at that point.

"Hello, Mrs. Samuelle. You've done a wonderful job with the party. The children are very happy." Nikita turned to him and smiled. "Thank you. Dr. Adler, I would like you to meet my father, Walter Johnson. Dad, this is Dr. Adler, the hospital administrator."

Walter, slightly shocked at being called Nikita's father, extended his hand to Dr. Adler. "Nice to meet you doctor."

The doctor shook Walter's hand and exclaimed "It's very nice of you to help your daughter with the party. By the way, Mrs. Samuelle, where is your husband? I wanted to thank him as well."

Nikita was wondering the same thing. Where could he be? He better not be making up excuses to stay away. And Section had better not have sent him on a mission. Just then, Nikita felt someone move up beside her and put his arm around her waist. Right away she knew it was Michael. She would know his presence anywhere. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Sorry I'm late, sweetheart. My meeting ran late. I hope everything is running smoothly."

Nikita turned to Michael. He was already in full costume. She leaned over and returned his kiss. "Michael, I would like you to meet Dr. Adler, the hospital administrator. Dr. Adler, this is my husband, Michael."

They shook hands and Dr. Adler said "Nice to meet you Mr. Samuelle. I was just telling your wife what a wonderful job you have done here. I wanted to thank you personally." Michael pulled Nikita closer to him and replied

"It was our pleasure. We always try to help out disadvantaged children whenever possible. But Nikita deserves most of the credit. I'm just along to help her in anyway I can."

Dr. Adler admired the couple. Young, beautiful, professional people. They seemed to have it all. "You are a lucky man, Mr. Samuelle, to have such a charming and beautiful wife."

Michael smiled at him and replied "Yes, I am. The luckiest man in the world."

Walter was having a blast with the children playing the"Pin the Nose on the Witch" game. And the children were loving every minute of it. Michael and Nikita decided to mingle with the children for a while and help out wherever they were needed. A little while later, Nikita noticed Michael having a serious conversation with one little boy. She edged closer to try and hear what was being said.

Michael was saying, "And what can I do for you, Tommy?" The little boy seemed sad and lonely.

"Well, Aladdin, could you have your genie grant me a wish and make me all better? Then I could go home to my mom and dad." Nikita had tears in her eyes. What a heart-wrenching scene. What could Michael say to something like that? Michael reached out and picked up the little boy and held him on his lap.

"You know Tommy," he said, "I'll ask genie to do what he can. But I think he's gonna need some help from you. If you promise to really believe that you are going to get better, and do everything the doctors and nurses tell you to, then I'll bet genie will do everything he can to help. But I can't promise you that it will work."

Tommy's face lit up. "Thank you Aladdin. Oh and you know what? Jasmine is really pretty." Michael chuckled and let the boy go. As Michael stood up, Nikita walked over to him and saw that there were tears in his eyes as well. Michael pulled her close and they just held each other for a few moments.

Michael then leaned back and said "You know, Nikita, I'm glad I came. I wouldn't have wanted to miss this for anything." Nikita smiled and even more tears ran down her face.

A few hours later when the party ended, it was time for clean up. Michael, Nikita and Walter had changed back into their regular clothes. Walter walked over to the other two and spoke.

"Listen you two. It's gonna take a few hours to get things cleaned up here. I've asked some of the hospital staff to stay and help. No one is going to expect you back at Section for at least three more hours. Why don't you two just take off and do something for yourselves. You've done a wonderful thing for the children here and now you deserve some time to yourselves. You have your cell phones if anything comes up. I'll meet you back at Section later."

Michael and Nikita looked at each other. They couldn't believe their luck. Walter was such a great friend. Nikita leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks, dad" she said. All three of them laughed.

Michael then said "Thank you Walter." Michael and Nikita turned walked out of the hospital hand in hand. Walter smiled and then turned back to start cleaning up the mess.

The End