
Once upon a time a very influential man, meeting with unexpected consequences, had to retire from the way of life in which he had become accustomed. When he did, he took his three daughters with him, and moved to a new place, a new town. His two eldest daughters, Madeline and Nikita, grumbled about the move, but his youngest daughter, Lynn supported her father in all that he did.

A day came, when he was unexpectedly called, and had to leave on a journey. As he was preparing to leave, his three daughters came to bid him farewell. The two eldest daughters, Madeline and Nikita, repeatedly reminded their father to bring them gifts, upon his return. But, Lynn asked her father to bring her only one thing...a single red rose.

As the influential man finished his business, and was returning home, he saw a beautiful rose garden on the side of the road. Stopping, he got out of his car, and began to walk through the garden. Coming up to a very tall rose bush, he reached down, and plucked one single red rose. As he did, he smiled, because the red rose reminded him of his lovely Lynn.

He had no sooner turned to leave, than he was confronted by a hideous looking beast. The Beast had in its hand a gun, and had it trained on the influential man. The fierce Beast asked the man how he dared to presume that he could just walk up and take his roses. Then the Beast threatened to shoot the influential man right then and there.

The influential man begged the Beast to take mercy on him. He explained how the rose reminded him of his youngest daughter, Lynn, and how she had requested that he bring her one on his return.

The Beast, shaking his head, only gruffed in reply. Then, looking to the man, he spoke. 'I will not take your life, sir, but there is one condition. You must bring one of your daughters here, to die in your place. But, she must come of her own free will, or all bets are off. Now, it is getting late. You may take shelter in my home until you have rested.'

Although the influential man took the Beast up on his offer, the man could neither bring himself to eat supper, or sleep that night. The next morning, the man exited the dwelling of the Beast, climbed into his car, and drove towards home.

When he drove up into his driveway, his three daughters exited the house, to greet him. But, as soon as they saw their father, and the look of sadness on his face, they knew something was wrong. As tears filled the mans eyes, he handed Lynn the single red rose he had gotten her, and relayed the previous days events.

The two sisters, looking at Lynn, laid all blame for their fathers situation squarely on her. Just then, the influential mans two sons, having just arrived home, walked through the door. As the two oldest daughters relayed the story they had just heard, Walter and Seymour looked to their father.

'We will go and take care of this Beast, father.' Walter offered.

Before the influential man could answer, Lynn stepped forward, and raising her chin in a gesture of determination, said that she was the cause of all their problems. And, as such, she alone must suffer the consequences. The man moved to his youngest daughter, gripping her by the shoulders.

'Are you sure of this, dear.' he questioned. Lynn only smiled brightly up at her father.

'I go of my own will,' she replied.

After her brothers, trying unsuccessfully to change her mind, conceded defeat, Lynn and her father climbed into the car, and began their journey. Watching as they left, the two eldest sisters turned to one another, and both smiled wickedly.

When Lynn and her father arrived at the home of the Beast, the outer doors opened of their own accord. Sweet music could be heard from within, and the aroma of freshly prepared food permeated the air. As Lynn and her father were both famished, they proceeded to seek out the food, and have something to eat.

Just as they had finished eating, the Beast entered the room, and walked over to Lynn.

Looking down at her, he spoke. 'Lynn, did you come her of your own free will? To take the place of your father?' Lynn nodded yes, looking up timidly at the Beast. The Beast smiled. 'Good. Your father may stay the night, but at first light, he must go.'

As the morning came, Lynn tried to console her father. She told him all would be fine, and that she would try to change the Beasts mind. After seeing her father off, Lynn was escorted to what would be her bedroom during her stay. On the door was her name, in large, golden, block letters. As she opened the door, and entered the room, her breath caught in her throat. The room was the most elegant that she had ever seen.

Shutting the door behind her, she crossed the room, and came to a stop by the bed. Looking down, she saw a framed portrait of herself. Inscribed into the frame, just below her picture was the phrase...'she who is pictured here, will rule as Queen, and all things must obey her.'

All of her meals were accompanied by the lulling tones of classical music, and at the evening meals, the Beast would join her. They would laugh, and talk, and Lynn would take great delight in the company of the Beast. Then one night, as dinner was drawing to an end, the Beast rose from his chair, and approached Lynn.

Extending his hand, the Beast took Lynn's in his own, and she rose from the chair. As they gazed into one anothers eyes, the Beast spoke. 'Do you find me ugly?' the Beast queried. Lynn looked up into the gentle eyes of her captor, and smiled slightly. 'Yes, I do. But I also see your caring and gentle soul, so I do not mind your outer looks.'

The Beast, taking a firmer hold of Lynn's hand, lowered his eyes for a moment. When he raised them to Lynn's again, he inhaled deeply, and held his breath. 'Will you marry me, Lynn?' he asked bluntly. Lynn looked away from the Beast, and he knew her answer. The Beast released Lynn's hand, and bowed gentlemanly to her.

'I bid you goodnight, Lynn. Take care, and rest well.' With that, the Beast crossed the room, and exited through the main doorway. Lynn, left alone in the room, suddenly felt just how big this house was, and how terribly alone she would always be while in it.


The next day, feeling restless and anxious, Lynn decided to explore the Beasts home. Wondering through the hallways, and peering into room after room, Lynn was hoping to get a better idea of what kind of individual the Beast was.

In the first large room she came to, she found a very extensive library. The bookshelves ran from floor to ceiling, on all four walls. And there was not an empty spot anywhere. Walking over, and casually running her index finger down the spines of the books, Lynn noticed that some of the best works in the world were here. 'Romeo and Juliet', 'War and Peace', and 'Pride and Prejudice', to name a few. There were also various board games on the large rectangular table in the center of the room.

Walking over to the table, Lynn looked down at the games, and frowned. *How sad* she thought *that you have all these games, and no one to play them with*. Feeling melancholy, Lynn crossed the library, and exited into the hallway. She quickly returned to her room, and waited until the evening meal before she showed herself again.

Sitting at the evening supper, alone, she once again felt the melancholy and sadness that she had experienced earlier in the day. But, as always, the Beast would appear, and her mood would lighten. They would eat, they would talk, they would laugh, and they would enjoy each others company. But, this evening, like all others, would end the same way. The Beast would rise from his chair, approach Lynn, and take her hand into his. Then, looking deeply into her eyes, he would ask her to marry him. Lynn would always shake her head no in reply, and then the Beast would bid her goodnight.

As the weeks passed, Lynn became more and more despondant. She missed her father and family fiercely, and no matter how hard she tried, she became increasingly sad. One day, after weeks of begging the Beast to let her go home, he gave in and granted her wish. He made her promise that she would stay away no longer than two months, and then placed in her hand a silver, wide band ring.

He instructed her to place the ring on her bed stand, whenever she wished to go or to return. He then showed her where she could get clothing suitable for her trip. The Beast smiled at Lynn, and she smiled back. She had no indication of just how sad the Beast was at her leaving. She hugged him tightly, and promised that she would return.

That night, after getting ready for bed, Lynn carefully placed the silver ring on the bed stand. She then wiggled under the bedcovers, and drifted off to sleep.


Waking to the sound of singing birds, Lynn stretched her arms over her head, and flung back her bedcovers. It was at that very moment that she realized where she was. She was at home. In her own bed, in her own room. She was home!!

Hearing conversations from the other room, Lynn stood up quickly, and rushed across the floor. Opening the door, and bounding down the stairs, she found her father. She ran up to him, and hugged him as if she would never let go. It was then that he told her of how generous the Beast had been, and how her sisters were all married to young men from good families.

After a few weeks of being back home, Lynn became to feel a sense of hostility. Although her sisters had benefited from Lynn's situation, they still harbored ill will towards her. Both Madeline and Nikita were cold and aloof when around Lynn, and this hurt her very much. Then, as if triggered somehow, she would remember her oath to the Beast ... the oath that she would return to him. But, whenever she brought up the idea of returning, her father and brothers would all talk her into staying just one or two more days. She would always smile, and nod in agreement.

Then, one night, while tossing and turning in the throughs of a dream, Lynn sat straight up in bed, with tears glistening on her cheeks. She had dreamed that the Beast was calling her. He was calling to her because he was lying in his courtyard...dying. Lynn, looking frantically around for the silver ring, found it, and placed it on her bed stand.

The next morning, when she awoke, she was once again in the elegant room that the Beast had provided for her. She flung herself from her bed, swung open the door, and ran down the hallway. Making her way down the stairs, she exited the house and ran down the block walkway of the courtyard. As she rounded the corner, she stopped and gasped. Lying in the center of the courtyard, was the Beast. He appeared to be unconscious and unmoving.

Lynn ran to the Beast's side, and took his hand in hers. Unable to hold back her tears, she placed her hand on the Beast's face, willing him to open his eyes and look at her. As if he knew what she was thinking, the Beast's eyelids fluttered, and opened.

As Lynn gazed down into the Beast's eyes, a sad smile crossed her face. The Beast reached up, and wiped the tears from Lynn's cheeks. 'Now that I have seen you again, I can die content' the Beast said. Lynn shook her head frantically. 'No! You will not die! I will not let you! You will live, and be my husband! And I, your faithful and loving wife.'

As soon as Lynn said this, a bright light formed and enclosed both she and the Beast. Every light in the Beast's home came on, and music sounded from all around them. Gazing around the courtyard, in stunned confusion, Lynn smiled. Then, returning her gaze back to the Beast, she gasped. For, lying where the Beast had been moments before, was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

He had the most beautiful golden hair, and he was well muscled. His eyes, the same eyes as those of the Beast, were as blue as the sky. But, reflected in his eyes now were not sadness and loneliness, but admiration and love.

As the handsome man came to a sitting position, he took hold of Lynn's hand and brought it to his lips. He softly brushed a kiss across her knuckles. As he did, Lynn shivered. The handsome man then proceeded to tell Lynn that her love and commitment to him had been what was needed to break his curse. He had been the victim of a spell, cast upon him by a vengeful magician, and had been doomed to walk the earth wearing the form of a Beast. The only means for breaking the spell, was the love of a beautiful woman. A woman who could see him for who he really was...who could see past the ugliness.

Then, taking the silver ring out of his pocket, he slowly placed it on Lynn's finger. Lifting her hand to his mouth, he kissed the ring. He then reached out, and placing his hand on the back of Lynn's head, drew her close to him. Softly brushing her lips with his own, he pulled back, and looked into her eyes. 'I will make you happy, Lynn, I promise.' Lynn smiled. 'And, my soon to be husband, what is your name?' The handsome man smiled coyly. 'My name? My name is Jurgen.' With that, Jurgen pulled Lynn to him once again. It was at that moment that Lynn knew she was exactly where she was meant to be.



Closing the book, and setting back, she smiled brightly. The stories she had just had the pleasure of reading had warmed her soul. They reminded her of times gone by... of happy times. She was so grateful for the opportunity to have read them.

Pushing her chair back, and standing up, she picked up her purse and the book. Then, walking over to the circulation desk, she handed to book to the older woman.

'So, can we count on your contribution?' the older woman asked brightly.

She smiled back at the older woman, and replied. 'We will see.' Then, turning from the desk, she walked across the room, and out of the warmth and safety that was the library.

1999 Illusions Index

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