Deceptive Love

By Sherry

Part 1

Checking her watch, she realized she had five minutes to get to Madeline's office. Quickly finishing up her report, she emailed it to Operations and locked up her files. She arrived at Madeline's office with a few seconds to spare. Punching in the code for the door, she was immediately granted access.

"Come in," Madeline invited, always the epitome of politeness. "Please have a seat."

"Thank you," Sherry replied, sitting in the chair opposite Section's second-in-command.

"I'll get right to the point. We need Amani Jensen," Madeline explained.

Sherry sighed inwardly, but didn't let it show on her face. "A private party?" she asked, hoping it would be that simple, but somehow, she doubted it.

Madeline smiled. "I'm afraid not. The publisher wants another book."

"Madeline," Sherry protested, "this is not a good time. There's too much going on around here. You know I have responsibilities. I can't just let everything go to concentrate on writing another book. And with everything that's happening, I couldn't do Amani Jensen justice at the moment."

Madeline graced her with yet another smile. "While I appreciate your dedication and sense of responsibility, this is not open to negotiation. You knew when you agreed to assume the persona of Amani Jensen that when she was needed, everything else was to be set aside. Rita and Aries will have to pick up your workload as well as Northstar's. If they need additional help, I will assign someone. You and your team are to be packed and ready to go tomorrow morning."

Sherry raised her eyebrows. "Packed? We're going somewhere?"

Madeline nodded. "Yes. You had some success when you went to Kauai. We have booked the same private villa for you."

To say she was surprised would have been an understatement. "But writing a book could take- months, maybe even a year. I can't believe you want us gone that long."

"Of course not. But we are giving you enough time to get the general outline done and a few chapters started. Something you can show the publisher. We were thinking three months."

"Three months? I can't be away that long," Sherry protested. She was thinking about the fact that she had just recently found out she had a sister here in CLHQ. She didn't want to be away that long. If they had been sending her on a deep cover mission, that would be different. But this was just to write a book. Okay, so in a way it was an undercover mission. She knew, however, that her protests would be futile.

Madeline was studying the younger woman. She had a pretty good idea of where her thoughts were. "If we can spare him, we will permit Michael to visit." Sherry nodded. Madeline sensed there was something else on her mind, but didn't pry. She knew it would be useless. There were things about Sherry that she would probably never know - important things- and it bothered her. Madeline didn't like anyone else having the upper hand.

"Do you have any ideas for the book?" she inquired. "I assume you have a few tucked away for these occasions."

Sherry nodded. "Yes, actually, I do. I've been thinking about doing a psychological thriller. The story has been running around in my head for a while. I just don't have enough knowledge yet to write the psych part. It will take some serious research."

Madeline thought about it for a moment and smiled. "I believe I have a solution. What if we send Dr. McAllister with you? He could answer your questions and supply all the information you need. He could be your technical consultant."

Sherry smiled. "That would work. But, isn't he needed here?" she asked, a not so subtle dig. She couldn't wait to hear the answer to that one.

Madeline did not bite, however. "Not for anything pressing. I'm sure the psychologist can handle the routine things. If we have an emergency, we can always call him back." Madeline smiled to herself. Sending Dr. McAllister along with Sherry would probably win her a few points with Operations - not that she needed any, but it never hurt to please the man.

"One more thing," she continued. "After your last experience in Kauai, we aren't taking any chances. Ms. Jensen now has her own personal physician as well. Dr. Jamison will be travelling with you."

Sherry nodded. After a few moments of thought, she spoke. "May I make one request?"

Madeline raised her eyebrows, but nodded. "Of course."

"I was thinking that Amani should have an editorial assistant. Most authors have them."

Madeline thought about it. "Did you have anyone specific in mind?"

"Yes. I was thinking about Nahla."

Madeline smiled. She knew that was where Sherry had been headed. This was to be a working trip, not a romantic getaway. But it actually wasn't a bad idea. The group that currently made up Sherry's team was a tight-lipped bunch. Perhaps adding a few more people to the team would give her more of a chance to extract information.

"I'm not sure that's entirely necessary," Madeline began and saw the fight jumping into her counterpart's eyes. "But before you say anything else, I will agree - this time. I can't promise that it will become a permanent arrangement. We'll see how it goes. Is that understood?"

"Of course." Sherry answered. "If there is nothing else, I need to inform everyone."

"That will be all. But I expect progress reports on a weekly basis," Madeline reminded her.

"Fine. After I inform the others and finish up a few things in my office, I'm going home to pack. If you need to reach me, I should be there the rest of the day." Madeline nodded and dismissed her. Since Munitions was close by, Sherry stopped there first. "Hey Walter," she called.

"If it isn't the love of my life," he quipped, clasping at his heart. "What have I done to deserve the honor of your presence?" he inquired.

Sherry shook her head and smiled indulgently at him. "Actually, sweetie, I came to see Nahla. She around?"

Walter cast her a stricken look. "Yeah, I'll go get her." As he walked away he grumbled, "Why don't they ever come to see me? They just don't know what they're missin."

Nahla walked in a few moments later, followed by Walter. "Hey Sher. Walter said you needed to see me?"

Sherry nodded. "Go home and pack. Think Hawaii. Sun, warm tropical
breezes, the beach ..."

"What?" Nahla asked, totally confused.

"You're going to Hawaii. Tomorrow," Sherry announced.

"Hey, wait a minute," Walter chimed in. "Nobody asked me what I think about this."

Sherry smiled indulgently at him. "Walter, sweetie, do they ever ask your permission when it comes to missions? If you want to take it up with Madeline, feel free."

Walter shook his head. "How come they never need a weapons expert? Hmm? An old man like me could use some fun in the sun, you know."

Sherry winked at him. "I'll see what I can do next time, Walter." Shaking his head, Walter walked away muttering something about promises.

Nahla was confused. "I'm going on a mission? Why? And in Hawaii?" "Come with me and I'll fill you in," Sherry told her.

Nahla said her goodbyes to Walter and followed Sherry to her office where she was briefed on Amani Jensen. Sherry explained everything she could, including the team make up, the few people who knew about Amani's true identity, and what the current assignment was.

Nahla's mind focused in on one point in particular. "Jace is going too?"

Sherry grinned. "Yep. Why do you think Amani suddenly needed an editorial assistant? I thought you two could use the time together. It's not like Jace is gonna be very busy while we're there. Unless we all come down with that illness I had the last time we were there, he'll be pretty much free to do as he chooses. I wouldn't want the boy getting bored and into any trouble. Maybe you could keep him occupied. Think you can handle that?" she teased.

Nahla laughed. "Oh, I think I might have an idea or two."

"I thought you might," Sherry said as she finished up the few things on her desk. "Okay, let's go. I'll let you know when to meet me in the morning."

Nahla got up to leave. She was at the door when she turned around. "Thanks, Sher."

After the rest of the team was notified, Sherry went to her quarters and began to pack. As she gathered her things, she thought about the reactions of the new team members. Jace had been surprised, as had Travis. Neither one of them had any prior knowledge of Amani Jensen's true identity. Watching their reactions had been fun. Not to mention the thought of going to Hawaii and getting away from Section thrilled them. She was happy she could give them that.

Once her bags were packed, she sat down and began putting some thoughts for
her new book on paper. A short time later she heard the door to her quarters open and looked up to find Michael walking towards her. "I guess you know," she said.

He kissed her and nodded. "Yes. How about I make supper and we spend the
evening together."

"Sounds wonderful," she answered and pulled him close for another kiss.

A few minutes later Michael moved into the kitchen to begin preparing their meal. "When do you leave?"

"We meet at van access at 9 a.m. The jet takes off at 10:30. That reminds me, I need to call the others and tell them." While Michael finished cooking, Sherry informed her team what time to meet tomorrow.

After they had finished eating, Michael pulled her out of the kitchen and onto the sofa in the living room. "I wish I could go with you," he whispered as he pulled her close.

Leaning back against him as he wrapped her in his arms, she sighed in contentment. "Me too. Do you think you'll be able to get away for a visit?"

Michael was silent for a few moments. "I'm not sure. There are quite a few missions on tap for the next few months. If we can clear some of them quickly, I may be able to swing a few days. I'll do my best."

"I know you will. I'll miss you," she said as she snuggled closer and he tightened his arms around her. He glanced down at her left hand and noticed she was not wearing her ring. "You're missing something," he said as he held her hand up.

"I know," she said. "I was going to put it on earlier, but got caught up in my notes. I'll go get it." As she started to pull away from him, he stopped her. "Stay here. I'll get it."

Michael returned a few minutes later with the ring he had given her the last time they were in Kauai, when she had agreed to marry him. He took her hand and gently placed the ring on her finger. Then he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. They sat in silence after that, cherishing this time alone. Eventually, Michael sighed.

"I wish he wasn't going with you."

She had been waiting for that. She hadn't wanted to be the one to bring it
up and spoil the mood, but now that Michael had, they needed to deal with it.

"I know, Michael. And just for the record, it wasn't my idea. It was Madeline's. I couldn't very well say no when I had just finished telling her that I would need to do extensive research on the subject for this book. Doc will be a great help. Besides, I want to be able to give him this time away from Section. A little taste of freedom."

"You worry too much about him," Michael sighed.

"No more than I do about you," she teased. When he didn't say anything, she took a deep breath and turned to him. "Michael," she said as she caressed his face, "don't worry. We're just good friends. That's all. You don't have to worry."

Her statement seemed to reassure Michael and the topic was dropped. The rest of the evening was spent storing up memories for the coming months apart. Michael eventually got up to leave. "I'll stop by in the morning before you go," he said and kissed her goodnight.