Walking into the book store, she was not sure exactly what she was looking for. She had always been that way when shopping for anything new. And, books were not exception.

Moving up and down the aisles, she paused periodically to gaze at the titles on the spines. The books, one after another, all looked alike. Nothing really jumped out and grabbed her. She was about to give up, when she turned to move down the romance aisle.

As she walked slowly, she gazed from one book to the next, until a the title of one caught her eye. Taking the book off the shelf, she looked at the cover, and smiled. The picture there showed a well taned, muscular male, with hair the color of midnight. He had his arm wrapped around the waist the woman in front of him, and his mouth was close to her ear. The woman, beautiful in her flowing dress of silk and frills, had hair the color of spun gold. She had her eyes half closed, and her head was lying back against the shoulder of the man behind her.

As she turned the book over, she read the blurb for the story on the back cover....


She thought she knew what she wanted in life....who she wanted to be...where she wanted to go. That was until she met him...


He had always been told what to do, where to go...he was a man escaping his search of his future....


Now, read the stories of others who have fallen to DECEPTIONS... deceived by those they those they those they thought they knew...


The following stories are for those who believe that love and hope will conquer all...

THE Sherry


She finished reading the blurb, then turned the book back over, and looked at the front cover. Then, looking around the store, to make sure none of the clerks would catch view of what she was about to do, she opened the book, and began the first story...

The Kidnapping....

1999 Illusions Index