Change of Venue

By Dragonlady



Cindy stared stonily out of her office onto the floor of Section 4. As operatives passed, they felt the chill of her gaze.

She had found out today that her sister had been killed.

Her brother Roy had found a way to get a message to her. Now as she looked upon her life's work of 12 years, she was working on a plan to get out.




Cindy, or Dragonlady as she had been affectionately dubbed for her no nonsense work ethic, had been for any years the epitome of what an operative of Section should not be.

Upon learning of birthdays, a cupcake would appear on a desk with a single lit candle.

Colour had inconspicuously shown up throughout the compound in bits such as flowers and paintings; a stark contrast to the metallic grey walls surrounding them.

Section 4 was one of the most top-secret organisations within the organisation. Here, all techniques of torture, information gathering, and watching were performed and perfected.

Dragonlady was the "Mistress of Interrogation". She, along side Damien, the main control of Section 4, ran the compound with an iron fist; well Damien did. Dragonlady though an expert at torture, was seen as the counter balance to the tyrant. With a look she could calm the beast within before anyone lost their lives.

And now that Yan to his yin was about to leave him. The Beast was not too pleased.

"Cindy!" She blinked as her name was bellowed. Calmly taking a breath, Dragonlady darkened the windows, turning, she prepared for the fury about to walk through the doors.

"What is this?!" Damien held up a piece of crumpled paper in is fist.

Dragonlady held his eyes for a brief moment. Her mind flashed back to just that morning when they had awoken in peace. Damien's jet-black hair was tousled and his stark blue eyes had been glazed with sleep. He had woken to her looking at him. With a smile he had pulled her into his arms, whispering "just a few minutes more".

Now his eyes held fear and anger.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" He repeated more forcefully. His breathing was harsh and erratic as he stood near toe to toe with his counterpart. Damien looked down on the woman who had captured his heart and soul. Her green eyes seemed to look to his soul. As usual she wore her trademark black right down to her combat boots.

Damien was startled when he realised her hair, that usually was groomed into a braid along her back was in fact, none existent. He momentarily forgot the reason he had stormed in as his hand made its way to stroke the short black locks that now graced DragonLady's head.

"What is happening here?" Damien whispered.

Cindy stepped back and turned away from her lover, barely holding in the tears.

"It is my transfer request. My sister is dead… I need.."


Cindy turned quickly at the gruff answer. Her eyes liquefying as the anger boiled within, breaking to the surface.

"Denied!!! How DARE you! I have given my life to you! To section! I gave up my own family for you!"

"You can't leave Section 4!"

"WHAT!?!!?" Cindy stalked towards her lover, intending to hurt him physically as he had just hurt her emotionally.

Damien looked at his soul mate, and realised he was about to lose her. She wouldn't stay quietly. If she was going to leave, she was not leaving with his heart.

"I forbid you to even think of…" A resounding smack echoed the room as DragonLady's hand connected with Damien's face.

"You forbid me!! We will see." And with that statement uttered, Cindy walked out of the room and his bed.


Months later…

The unnamed operative silently watched the events enfolding in front of him. Again Damien and The Dragonlady were furiously cutting each other up with words. They always disagreed on which operatives to send on which missions, which techniques should be used and when, etc, etc.

Section 4 had become unbearable to work in.

A few months ago Dragonlady had disappeared for a few weeks (to attend her sister's funeral and make contacts in Section 1) and Damien had gone ballistic. From there, the tension had increased, the operatives nearly came to blows on decision making.

After yet another session with Damien, Cindy retired exhaustedly to her office.

The bell went off signalling someone at her door.

"Go away!"

The bell went off again.

From what could only be described as a primitive growl, Dragonlady stood as she hit the button to open the door, ready to tear a strip off the unfortunate soul who had disturbed her. When the door opened, she could all but gawk at the man in front on her.

"Are you ready?" the man said quietly.

Dragonlady took a final glance about her office for the last time. Going to a concealed panel in her wall she extricated a few small handguns and other various paraphernalia that she then strategically hid within her clothes. Turning to the man she had sought help from she uttered the words that were about to change her life forever.

"I'm ready."

Is she really ready??